Monthly Archives: December 2011

Weekly Written Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign, December 25th



Slow & Steady Wins the Race


Jupiter in Taurus goes direct on Christmas day. This material, practical energy is hitting the earned income sector of your chart. This means financial matters can now proceed with more clarity and purpose. Any opportunities to increase your income bring simple and practical benefits as your life becomes stabilized. You may find yourself enjoying and appreciating the “good things” in life, more than you normally would! Enjoy the earthly comfort of hot chocolate and a cozy couch. You’ve been working hard lately and will benefit from slowing down and relaxing.  On Thursday the Sun in Capricorn joins forces with powerful Pluto.  This fusion of light and darkness impacts your professional life and image.  It can be intense and involve issues of power and authority. Whatever happens around this time, hold your ground and learn, learn, learn! There is a golden lesson here that has the power to lift you to new heights when it comes to your destiny.


You are the luckiest sign of the zodiac this week because Jupiter, the good luck planet, is in your sign! The really great news is on Christmas day it picks up speed because it goes direct! Expect life to be running more smoothly once Christmas comes. Opportunities come more easily and everything, especially practical matters, become more simplified, which they should be! Taurus has a knack for practicality.  You’ll find things becoming easier to achieve, and benefits of all kinds enter your life in a very straightforward, grounded kind of way…all for the purpose of creating more comfort and stability! Thursday brings a challenge around wanting to be bigger and better as the Sun in Capricorn fuses with powerful Pluto.  It’s time to learn and grow beyond your comfort zone dear Taurus…it’s Pluto’s job to make this happen whether you like it or not, so now that the Sun is facing off with Pluto’s transformative power, it’s your chance to give in a little to these forces that are much  bigger than you…join them! It’s time to grow beyond what you could ordinarily imagine…Thursday brings a taste of what’s to come.


Jupiter, the planet of luck and opportunity, is now in the most hidden sector of your chart, the infamous karmic, “12th house”. What this says is your spirituality is about to get a big boost. Think of it as a kind of purification process. Anything lurking in the recesses of your subconscious mind is bound to grow and expand so that you can’t help but notice…this experience could lead you to appreciating a more holistic way of living… a way of life that puts your inward life in healthy  balance with your outward life. On Christmas day, Jupiter goes direct, so you may feel a refreshing  surge of  deep inner ‘purpose’. Reflecting on personal issues that may have been blocking you will open doors to answers only you could understand. Taking time out to pamper your spiritual side in a practical way…yoga, tai chi, massage therapy, brings you much happiness and joy now. On Thursday, the Sun in Capricorn joins forces with powerful Pluto…deep changes have been stirring for you, especially in matters of intimate partnerships, whether they be financial, romantic, or both…on Thursday you can welcome these changes as the Sun glows it’s light on the planet of transformation.


On Christmas day Jupiter in material Taurus goes direct in the realm of your dearest hopes and dreams. Jupiter loves to expand whatever it touches, for this reason it’s best known as the planet of opportunity. So, after Christmas, you my notice more energy around plans for expanding your future. This is a great influence for the new year because your future life  is being so lit up with positivity…’pracitcal positivity’, not just fluff. It’s a good time to make a solid plan of how to improve your life and reach your long-term goals. Taurus loves comfort and stability and is quite compatible with security oriented Cancer, so it’s a great time to approach your future in a very hopeful, yet ‘real’ way…a perfect combination!  On Thursday, the Sun in hardworking Capricorn joins forces with planet of permanent change, Pluto, in the realm of your relationships. You’ve been encountering a strong taste of power issues in your relationships since Pluto has entered Capricorn around 2009…on Thursday, the spotlight shines on this influence, and you’ll have an opportunity to feel more at ease with it…definately a good thing for getting you in touch with what you really want and need in your professional and romantic relationships!


Shining on center stage is what life has been about for you since Jupiter has been in Taurus, lighting up your professional destiny. On Christmas day Jupiter goes direct, so any questions around the direction of your professional life are likely to be answered. Clarity and momentum come more easily in your career, as well as opportunity and good luck! Opportunities are bound to bring stability, and may even increase your finances! This is a fabulous influence for artists because the planet of artistic expression, Venus, rules Taurus. So any artistic pursuits will now be easily heard by Jupiter, and he’ll come to the rescue  with just the right opportunity…professional highlights create practical benefits for you now.  Approaching your destiny methodically, one step at a time, will also bring good luck. On Thursday, the Sun in Capricorn joins forces with the intensity of Pluto. This fusion takes place in your day to day work life. Any power struggles in your workplace can offer a powerful lesson in management, not only in work, but in your daily life. Your health and fitness may also be impacted as well…perhaps you’ve been on a quest to improve your strength and endurance, Thursday brings a taste of  transformative power that invigorates your body and mind!


Jupiter, the planet of good luck and opportunity, aka. the Santa Clause of astrology, happens to be going direct of Christmas Day! From Christmas on, faith comes more naturally to you. Optimism can now be found around every corner of your life, and most of all, good things start happening, one after the other…there’s momentum around improving yourself. This is a wonderful influence for the New Year. Jupiter is behind you all the way when it comes to educational pursuits, long distance travel, legal issues, publishing, broadcasting, and positive belief, aka. faith…this may include religion or could it could be purely spiritual. In any case, your life receives a boost of positive energy as you feel Jupiter stepping on the gas, leading you to  bigger, broader horizons! On Thursday, the light of the Sun joins forces with the darkness of Pluto in hardworking Capricorn.  This powerful fusion floods in your creativity and inner light. If you have children, they may have a special message or lesson to show you around this time…you may be tested. Have no fears because you are likely to pass with the help of  the Sun’s spiritual  energy.  Any creative pursuits now have a lot of intensity around them and could involve power struggles. Hold onto your light and don’t give up. Remember it’s the message of your artistic vision that’s most important.


Intimate partnerships receive Jupiter’s blessing as it goes direct on Christmas day.   Receiving financial support/assistance come more easily. Debt can also be more easily  handled now as Jupiter brings opportunities to smooth out issues involving loans/investments.  Now is a time you could receive the funding from banks or other public/private institutions you’ve been waiting for. Your sex life also could get a positive boost! Sensuality becomes erotic, bringing you great joy and comfort with that special someone. On Thursday, the Sun in Capricorn faces off with the power of mysterious Pluto. This influences your private life, particularly your family. Perhaps you’ve been feeling like your emotional foundation has been a bit rocky lately…if so, Pluto may have something to do with it…it’s calling you to transform your family relations in a deep, permanent way. Thursday brings an opportunity to learn a lesson involving your home or family life…you have the power within to pass with flying colors…and this will undoubtedly strengthen  your emotional foundation.


Relationships of all kinds offer good things now that Jupiter is going direct. You may receive financial blessings from business partnerships and experience a taste of luxury from your romantic liaisons. Any opportunities or gifts your receive are a reflection of your own sense of ‘specialness’ and self-worth.  We all deserve to appreciated for our talents and god given gifts, and you are  now Jupiter’s  chosen one in this department! If you are single, you may meet many new people who make you feel wonderful about yourself…there is a glow around your perspective on partnership, and this is exactly what brings nice romantic opportunities your way.  On Thursday, a challenge may surface around a contract, an issue with a sibling, or a writing project…an intense conversation may ensue that challenges your opinions and forces you to find a new source of power beyond your intellect. Go with it. If you look at this situation objectively, you’ll clearly see a lesson waiting for you that could be invaluable to your growth, especially regarding the way you communicate.


Work brings good opportunities your way and makes you smile now that Jupiter, your ruling planet,  is going direct in Taurus. Your job offers security and pays the bills nicely. Taurus is a strong, stabilizing energy, so whatever work you’re doing now offers an opporunity to create a solid material foundation for your otherwise crazy, adventurous life! Day to-day life  feels more stable and it’s much easier to have a cheery, upbeat attitude around your work environment. You are making money and have a job you enjoy!  There is much to be happy about! If you’re looking for work, Jupiter will definitely help you find the right job for you. Have faith. A job is on its way, and this one has a very good chance of lasting. On Thursday, the Sun  teams up with powerful Pluto in hard-working Capricorn. This influence impacts your money. There may be a challenge or struggle around your finances that questions your personal values and power. Pluto wants you to stand up for yourself and earn what you’re rightly worth, but to do that, you’ll need to pass some tests and let go some self-defeating habits. I have a feeling you know what they are. Have courage and don’t be afraid to let go of the old because the new is simply fabulous, especially when it comes to acquiring abundance!


Romance, children, and creativity get a boost from Jupiter once it goes direct in earthy, practical Taurus on Christmas day. Christmas opens up your heart and you’ll be feeling the momentum of childlike fun increasing in the weeks to come. Taurus is reliable and takes it time with harvesting results, so being patient in an innoncent, child like way will bring you good luck!  Romantic liaisons bring comfort and become more solid. If you have children, they could offer some nice opportunities for you to open up your heart and expand the joy in your life. Creative endeavors may now expand and become  profitable for you. Anything  handmade is well starred for developing your artistry, even if you normally wouldn’t consider yourself  ‘good with your hands’.  You may feel more innocent and playful than usual, which is really healthy for you because it brings more balance into your life, making you all the more productive in business, a great bonus! On Thursday, when the Sun joins forces with Pluto, an opportunity to ‘step up to the plate’ is in store just for you. Your life has been undergoing deep changes on many levels for a while, and much of this has to do with how you experience your own power. Thursday’s message: learn from anyone and anything that challenges your integrity…be willing to release in order to gain, and a new source of energy will naturally surface, making you feel much stronger and solid.


Family and home issues offer good luck and  steer your life forward once Jupiter in Taurus goes direct on Christmas day.  You may even receive financial assistance from a parent…definately a blessing! Whatever blessings come from your family now give you emotional security and provide a solid foundation for your private life. This allows you more energy to focus on developing your professional life. This is also a time when you can enjoy the comfort of your own home as a safe haven. Reflecting on your past and sharing special memories deliver optimism and faith as you enter the new year. This Thursday, when the Sun in Capricorn joins forces with the power of transformative Pluto, you may have an intense spiritual breakthrough that puts you directly in touch with your own power, a power you didn’t even know you had!  So, tread lightly on any challenges around this time and be willing to receive the gift of a special karmic lesson. Be humble because you’ll come out feeling incredible stable as you dwell  in the roots of your own integrity. This inner knowing and stability prepares you to grow and blossom for the new year!


Christmas day brings the gift of Jupiter in Taurus going direct. All of your communications will get a positive boost and may even lead to material success. Contracts, clients, and negotiations of all sorts are well starred for you. This is especially a good influence for freelancers who have been looking to drum up some extra business. Jupiter expands your client base and brings in lots of opportunities to build your business in a careful, methodical way. Taurus is known to be the master of perseverance, so any communication projects you’ve been working slow and steady with are bound to meet the finish line with success. Relationships with siblings are also well starred now, look to them for support because now they are naturally a source of good luck for you.

On Thursday, the Sun in hard-working Capricorn, fuses with the transformative power of Pluto. This is a light meets dark kind of moment as the spirit meets and touches the soul. This influence sheds light on your social activities and your place within ‘community’…new possibilities are opening up for your future and breaking up the foundation of your life. Although this is fabulous news, sometimes it can be downright scary and thoroughly draining. Thusday offers the opportunity to meet up with this power in a humbling way and to consciously  let your life be touched and changed by powers beyond your control. Whatever happens, be willing to learn. The wisdom you gain now can be a spectacular catalyst for a new life chapter~

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Weekly Video Horoscope for Dancers & Bodyworkers, December 25th



Terpsichore Joins Asclepius in 21 Degrees of Scorpio

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Dancestrology: It’s not about how big or bright we shine, it’s about the way~ 


Weekly Video Horoscope for All Signs of the Zodiac, Week of December 25th


Material Comfort and Pleasure is on its way for All Signs!

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Dancestrology: It’s not about how big or bright you shine, it’s about the way~

Venus in Aquarius Takes on Jupiter in Taurus, The Dance of Will


Wanting More

What happens when the goddess of love and desire pulls toward the grandness of Jupiter? The heart becomes greedy…we become aware of our insatiable need for attention and adoration, whether it be through friends, our community, or even a stranger… we long to know our mere existence is beautiful, that we are seen for who we truly are, and last but not least, that we matter more than anyone else, especially to our loved ones.  As tall of an order as this is, it’s a welcome one. Sometimes we just need to let loose and admit to ourselves that we are human and we have real desires. I don’t think of myself as a feminist per se, but I dare say this planetary influence especially appeals to women. This is a perfect time for women to experiment with being a little reckless in their pursuit of happiness, it’s completely acceptable to be knocked down and scuffed up because not only will your feminine glory be pulled up, it will ground you and make you blossom!

Weekly Horoscopes for All Signs December 18th


Love is in the Air

On Tuesday, Venus leaves practical and committed Capricorn to make its entrance into freedom loving Aquarius. Love, relationships, and finances take on a freer, more expansive tone. Appreciating true friendship,  close knit community, and the essence of humanity attract harmony and abundance.


Find a lover in your friend and a friend in your lover.

You’re glowing in the midst of the crowd! Attending large holiday celebrations brings great opportunities to meet new and exciting people who could benefit your cash flow. Love is found through friends, or you may find that your friend becomes your lover! Whatever the case, this is your time to relish in the real you when opening  your heart with others. You have nothing to hide and everything to share! The new moon in Capricorn on Christmas Eve promises new beginnings in business and your professional destiny. This is an especially powerful influence. You may feel a turbo boost taking over when it comes to achieving your destiny. Go with it as it’s bound to lead to high places! Still, be realistic about your professional goals. Being methodical, and taking things one step at a time is crucial for success to be substantial and long- lasting, which is exactly what this New Moon energy is pushing for you to have. The first five days after the New Moon are the most powerful, so take that last week of December seriously and make a solid plan for achieving your highest goals, so by the time January comes, you can hit the ground runnning…your specialty!


A Creative Journey

It’s a great time to turn on the charm in your professional life when Venus moves in Aquarius on Tuesday. Explore the artistic side of your professional endeavors and seek out relationships that could help you  bring  your talents to the forefront for the VIPs of your industry.  If you’re an artist, it’s a perfect time to turn let your creativity shine in the spot light because you’ll be recognized by all the right people. The new moon in Capricorn on Christmas Eve lights up your optimistic and adventurous side. This is a good time to plan a trip overseas, to start a new course, learn a new language, or explore a new religion and or culture.


Absence makes the heart grow fonder while deep changes rock your bedroom & bank account!

Long distance romance is comforting now. If you’re committed, it’s a nice time to plan a trip to a far and away haven with your loved one. You may find yourself  attracted to different cultures, religions, and ways of life while Venus is in freedom loving, Aquarius, from December 21st through the 14th of January.  It’s also a nice time to take on learning a new language  because  you’ll really enjoy the learning process, you will literally ‘fall in love’ with the language! Legal matters go smoothly at this time; if money is involved you will come out on top. Christmas Eve shines with the New Moon in stabilizing Capricorn. New beginnings in your most intimate partnerships will take on a serious, committed tone. It’s time to shed your skin and become more powerful within your closest liaisons,  both financial, and sexual.


Venus steps into your life’s bedroom bank account on Wednesday, when venturing from practical Capricorn to escapist Aquarius. You’ll be feeling more free spirited and sexually adventurous! Sharing and opening up to others, particularly your significant other,will come more easily to you now. If you’re currently unattached, you may feel the increased need to be intimate with a special someone. Don’t let this emotional urge get you down! Instead, let it inspire you to let your hair down and loosen up the tie…be free, and allow your deepest desires to come to the surface. If you can do this all in earnest, your bound to attract a special someone…they may appear in quite an unexpected way, all the more exciting for the New Year! Christmas Eve brings a New Moon in the relationship sector of your chart…AND it’s in Capricorn…this spells a new romance that could easily lead to serious commitment, just remember, let your guard down. Relax.  Whatever your heart desires is on its way…it’s arrival time is much quicker than you know!


Love sparkles while work gets done!

Relationships becomes more exciting and thrilling when the planet of love and romance enters  freedom loving Aquarius.  Romance is open and friendly and may sneak up on you unexpectedly! It’s also a good time to socialize with friends and attend big social gatherings.  You sparkle in your individuality now and naturally attract people with your friendly charm. Christmas Eve brings New Moon energy in your work and fitness life. Time to get serious about creating structure in your daily life. Work on creating a daily regimen that makes practical errands, as well as your fitness routine a priority. If you have a pet, it’s a great time to make sure they’ve had their annual check up. Give your pet extra attention and take pride in your responsibility for the pet you so cherish!


Cuddly and Warm!

You’ll be enjoying day-to-day life with charm and grace with Venus’s entrance in to Aquarius, on Wednesday. You may be seeing much more of your friends during the holidays as well, an added bonus! Pets are extra enjoyable at this time too. Give them your extra love and attention and you’ll be overloaded with their affection! If you’ve had your eye one someone where you work, be prepared for a move to be made because romantic sparks are flying all over the place! Christmas Eve is super romantic because a New Moon will be hitting your romantic life in the sign of loyalty and commitment, Capricorn. Capricorn is known for its dependability and the New Moon is about beginnings. A new chapter of romantic committment and or/ creative expression could be in store…!


Take a risk with romance while creating peace in your home~

Your heart is feeling free and ready to fly into the unknown! Take a risk if there’s someone you’ve had your eye on..give them a hint and you could be pleasantly surprised! Spending time with children is especially favored as well. Any creative endeavors are laced with your own unique stamp of expression. Artistic pursuits off all sorts offer excitement and may eve n have a humanistic edge to them. Christmas Eve opens a chapter of family security and a stable home life. It’s a good time to acquire some emotional stability and work on getting your private life in order.  If there’s any work that needs to be done in your home, this is time to start home improvement project. The results are likely to be long-lasting, leaving you feeling much more secure and at peace.


Take a journey through the lighter side of romance and  life~

Family relationships glow with love and bring you extra comfort when Venus enters Aquarius on Wednesday.  Your emotional nature may feel a lifted the more you get into the spirit of the holidays. Decorating the tree and adorning your home with holiday charm brings you extra joy as well. You may want to experiment and do something a little different with this year’s holiday style to keep things interesting. Shop for those musical lights you always though about getting…get some acid jazz Christmas music…you get the idea:) The New Moon enters Capricorn on Christmas Eve, a wonderful stabilizing influence. This especially good for relationships with siblings as well as negotiations, learning projects, writing, and communication in general.


Online Romance Sizzles while you  Break Down your Budget~

You may find yourself doing a lot of sweet talk while Venus is in Aquarius. Love poems, romantic e-mails and tweets…online dating especially is well starred. So if you’re single and you really want to meet someone new whose exciting , and interesting, online dating will be a perfect route to romance! Lots of phone calls, e-mails, and dates are bound to follow. Casual coffee/tea dates are well starred, especially at unique places around the neighborhood that have a real community feel- no Starbucks please! Christmas Eve opens up a new financial chapter for you. Use the last week of December to go over your finances and make a plan on how to achieve greater financial stability for the new year. The energy will be in the air to support you in this. Be serious-minded and responsible when it comes to your money. Also, take inventory of your professional skills and makes steps to make sure you’re monetizing off your talents as much as possible!


Look! It’s a bird, it’s a it’s Money!!! Your attraction power is turned on and given a boost!

You can easily become a money magnet when Venus enters Aquarius on Wednesday! You may also find yourself in the buying craze for the holiday season, and  your taste may be more refined than usual. There’s nothing wrong with spending money on beautiful, quality things, just make sure you don’t go overboard! Go for quality over quantity and keep it simple.  The New Moon is in your sign on Christmas Eve, a very special good luck omen….it’s time to begin a new life chapter that’s all about you. What do you want to achieve? What to you want to commit to? What do you want to build for yourself? Think longterm. The power of the New Moon will be there to aid you in reaching for and attaining what’s rightfully yours, so don’t hold back on your New Year wishes!


‘I am Love’

Love is in the air and you’re catching the windstorm! Getting into the Christmas spirit will be easy  as you receive the warm rays of Venus glowing down on you. It’s time to indulge in some extra sparkle and glow… go out on the town and make a statement. Your electricity warms all those around you and fosters a real sense of caring for this holiday season. If you’re single, you may not be for long as long as you keep yourself out and about…in other words, just be yourself! You’re bound to get a good catch while Venus in your sign from this Wednesday from the 14th of January…if you’ve been feeling a little stale, spending time with your friends will invigorate you and speed up the romantic process;) The Christmas Eve New Moon is especially brilliant for you because it awakens your spiriutality…perfect timing! Be sure to look within during the first five days after the New Moon, when it’s power is the strongest. There are gifts, spiritual secrets waiting for you…seek, and you shall find!


Swept Away

You may find yourself  in an extra romantic mood once Venus enters escapist Aquarius. Your heart may indeed feel like escaping into your favorite Christmas song, never to return. Of all the signs, Pisces wears the Christmas spirit the best. You all just ‘get it’, without even trying! For some, I wouldn’t be surprised if every day is your own version of Christmas…that’s what probably keeps you going! Knowing you have something special to give, that others matter, and life is much bigger than it seems. No matter what you do, there is an artist in you, and while Venus is in Aquarius, Venus’s rays warm up the artist in you. So, take pleasure in your favorite holiday tunes, films, and if you haven’t already, see the Nutcracker…it’ll be worth it! The Capricorn New Moon on Christmas Eve sparkles with good cheer and hope, not the desperate kind of hope, but the ‘real’ kind of hope that makes you feel warm inside because you just ‘know’ something really good is straight on its way, just for you…~

Weekly Written Horoscope for Each Individual Zodiac Sign, December 18th



Even though Mercury went direct last Wednesday I think it’s still adjusting! Mercury is in detriment in  Sagittarius, so even when it’s going forward it does so grudgingly, as I’ve been experiencing! If you’d like a general reading for the week please visit my youtube channel and click this link: dancestology

Written horoscopes will be available tomorrow~

Sweet Dreams!

Dancers and Bodyworkers Weekly Horoscope, December 18th


    ‘Artists are going to be the metronome of this society’.    Yoko Ono

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Movement is the Essence of Life


                                                      Unleashing the ‘Artiste’ & Confronting Reality

Venus enters Aquarius on Tuesday. Dancers will enjoy a new freedom to explore new dimensions of their artistry and take a risk with creative experimentation. Bodyworkers may notice clients talking more and becoming more sociable. Join them in their need to share. They may invite you to holiday social gathering. By all means go! You’re likely to meet  interesting and exciting people who can benefit your cash flow!

The new moon enters Capricorn on Christmas Eve. New moons are always about beginnings. This new Capricorn energy is great for creating a new business plan to bring in more profits and stability. Capricorn is an opportunist because it wants to make sure its hard work pays off with recognition, status, and results, whether they be financial or relationship based. The first five days after the new moon are the most potent.  Make sure to use those last of December to create a well thought out plan that can be ready to be executed by the new year.

Dancers will benefit from putting their business cap (pun intended)!, on and think about whether their artistry is receiving its rightful recognition. Are you getting paid what you think you should? Are you getting the roles you’d like? If not, think about making some practical steps that can get you closer to reaching your potential, both materially and artistically. If you’re content with your current dancing situation, the last week of December is a great time to make a plan about how to solidify your current position to create a solid foundation for future growth. The same goes for bodyworkers. One thing Capricorn energy is really good for is being realistic. Sometimes this can be painful for creative, spiritually oriented people, but in the end, it pays dividends!

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Pisces Weekly Video Horoscope December 18th



‘Nothing will bring you peace except yourself’. Ralph Waldo Emerson

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A Grand Mercury Sag Retrograde Finale~ Time to Walk the Talk!




It seemed yesterday that Mercury insisted on having its backward way right till the very end. Yesterday it went direct around 8.45 p.m. EST. I’ve been  highly anticipating it. This past weekend was a technical nightmare. I began to lose all faith in technology as I dreamed of the ‘good ole days’ of being satisfied with being glued to the t.v. as I happily overdosed on ‘I Love Lucy’ reruns.  Last night I had a dream about doing perfect pirouettes, five at a time! I usually do 2 to 3 at the very most, so I think this forward cycle will be especially creatively exciting!

For this forward cycle, Mercury is  moving direct at an even degree of four, the number of structure, stability, and foundation. The sabian/meditation  symbol for Sagittarius in the fourth degree is ‘a little child learning to walk’ suggesting this cycle gives us the opportunity to learn something new, through practice, that will ultimately give us the freedom, mobility, and independence of a dancer in flight.  This is especially true for Virgos and Geminis because they are the ‘learning signs’ of the zodiac. I think Sagittarius will get a boost as well; they may become a little more tempered in their enthusiasm and more inclined to learn from analyzing the ways of others.

 Although the detail and timeline oriented Mercury is uncomfortable expressing its true nature  in freedom loving Sagittarius, Mercury has a starring role in a nicely choreographed fire dance with the Moon in Leo and Uranus in Aries. I think this means creative, inventive thinking will definitely play a big role in the learning process.  Mercury’s tension with Neptune in Aquarius suggests we still have to look we’re going because however beautiful things may appear, we are still learning and can be vulnerable to deception. So watch out! Yet, listen to those creative urges.  Take pride as you venture out into your  new learning adventures and walk the talk with a smile on your face!

Gemini Weekly Video Horoscope December 11th


Without an open-minded mind, you can never be a great success.

Martha Stewart

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Geminis Have the Best Creative Solutions!

Your ruler, Mercury, goes direct in Sagittarius on Tuesday, December 13th. One thing Sagiittarius is  known for is their honesty. Mercury in Sagittarius can easily suffer from the ‘big foot in the mouth’ syndrome, compelling us to blurt things out that although may be entirely truthful and honest, can ultimately hurt us, and the people we’re closest to.  Since this influence is currently  impacting the relationship sector of your chart, you may be feeling the repercussions of your words more heavily than usual. A good thing about Mercury going direct is it will give you the focus to clarify your communications within your partnerships. So any relationship matters that need to be settled with honesty and open-mindedness are sure to be blessed with Mercury’s forward momentum!

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