Monthly Archives: June 2020

Remembering Bob Fosse~

Remembering Bob Fosse

Cancer Sun, Aquarius Ascendant Aries Moon

“Don’t Dance for the Audience, Dance for Yourself” — Bob Fosse

“Don’t Dance for the Audience, Dance for Yourself ” Bob Fosse

Taking a deeper look into his chart, it’s clearly revealed dance was indeed the ticket to Fosse’s legacy. With the Sun in perfect sextile to Terpsichore (asteroid # 81) both in quincunx to Saturn-the infamous magical atrological pattern is revealed- ‘the Yod’, better known as the ‘Finger of God’. In Fosse’s Case, God’s finger points directly to hard work, professionalsim, achievement, and legacy- all infamous virtues of Saturn.

Saturn’s placement in Sagitarius in the ninth house (the Archer’s natural arena) emphasizes faith and spirituality – and is not easily expressed through the confines of Saturn’s critical gaze and high expectations. It’s likely that although Fosse was adulated by his colleagues and fans, he was never fully satisfied or deeply believed in himself-but he didn’t have to- thanks to the perfect sextile between the Sun and Terpsichore.

Known as the “opportunity aspect”, the sextile (60 degree angle) is akin to two planets shaking hands in strong agreement. In Fossey’s case, his Cancer Sun and Taurus Terpsichore signifies a beautiful parternship of soul with sensuality, topped off with a refined aesthetic- (due to Venus’s rulership of Taurus). Fosse intuitively knew how to make a dancer look great while also emitting irresistible visceral energy. Undoubetdly this was the gift of his Sun Terpsichore sextile- a planteary agreement that set off a divine spark and unleashed unstoppable positive momentum.

Some people are just born to be dancers; Bob Fosse was definately one of them.

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Solar Eclipse in Cancer, Home to Her~

Solar Eclipse in Cancer

Home is not a place- it’s a feeling, Cecelia Ahern

This Solar Eclipse is especially powerful as it arrives with the Summer Solstice, when the Sun (the galaxy’s brigthest star) rises to its highest distance from the earth, at the top of the northern hemisphere, also known as the Tropic of Cancer. It marks the longest day of the year and the first day of Summer.

Cancer is a sign of royalty, fertility, emotional intelligence, and nurturance. You can expect this eclipse to usher in a new emotional chapter in your life. You’ll likely feel a strong urge to make a fresh start in a particular area of your life, this eclipse is also especially strong arriving at the very beginning of Cancer at 0 Degrees, also known as the Aries point.

This will intensify the Cancerian influence, and because Cancer is a cardinal sign, you’ll likely want to forge powerfully ahead, even if you don’t yet have a clear direction.

This is a beuatiful time for an intuitive breakthrough that can guide you directly to your north star~

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In Memory of George Floyd~ Saturn Retrogade in Aquarius

In Memory of George Floyd

The Gentle Giant

 May 25th, 2020

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  

As Saturn,the planet of justice, retrogrades in Aquarius, the sign symbolic of community, brotherhood, and humanity, we as a people will have hard lessons to learn about human rights, dignity, and social justice. Let us come together and stand for a better future- a future that embraces all races, creeds, and ethnicities with equal respect, empathy, and love.