Monthly Archives: March 2020

Conquering the Coronavirus, Sun in Aries

The Sun Enters Aries

Conquering the Corona Virus

The Clock is Ticking. If you’re going to start living now would be a good time.

Steven Hayes

Image result for Dance Photos of Courage

The Sun, the galaxy’s brightest star, is exalted in the sign of Aries. This amplify’s everything the Sun is well known for:  warmth, brightness, strength, optimism, hope, and spirit. All this ushers in the freshness that’s associated with Spring.

It is time to begin anew. Of all the zodiac signs, Aries has the most vitality. Take any Aries you know, and he or she will likely possess an inner confidence that always shines, like an eternal flame hidden in the depths of the heart.  Funny enough the root of the word courage is cor- the Latin word for heart. In it’s most basic form, the word courage means  “To speak one’s mind by telling all one’s heart.”

Ironically this makes of one of the zodiac’s most vulnerable and sensitive signs- they just don’t let disappointment get them down for very long.  Still, Aries can be sensitive to criticism, and easily feel slighted if not given the respect he or she rightly deserves. This is because Aries is all about “I”, not necessarily in the negative ego driven sense (that’s the dark side of Aries) but rather the healthy “I” that celebrates  a strong sense of personal identity and self actualization.

In times of crisis, we all need support, but I think it’s also important to realize we as individuals are more powerful than we may think. During this time when the Sun’s power is exalted, the following may be quite helpful:

How can  you take positive action toward what matters most to you? This is not so much about resources, or intelligence, or even confidence, but rather courage- the courage to go forward even though you may fall- hard.  Welcome the opportunity to take a very high step and you will  find success, whether you ‘make it’ or not. As the zodiac’s youngest sign, Aries is the most resilient.

The gift of the Sun is Aries? Trust in the power of your resilience.


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