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Solar Eclipse in Gemini~

Gemini Solar Eclipse

“We must run as fast as we can just to stay in place.

And if you wish to go anywhere you must run twice as fast as that.”

Svetlana Zakharova

It’s no wonder Bolshoi Prima Ballerina, Svetlana Zakharova is a Gemini, not only gifted with exquisite mercurial limbs, but beautiful articulate thoughts that dance as gracefully as her body. With the Solar Eclipse in Gemini, the sign of agility, speed, and variety, we are encouraged to think on our feet, embrace the moment, and no matter chaotic life may get, to stay on the move. The next several months will likely offer many invitations to bond with a sibling, gain the trust of a close friend, or learn something new that will change your outlook on life, and who you thought you were. Yes, Gemini is known for riding that slippery slope between objective facts and subjective truths- think of famed public intellectual Jordan Peterson (the quintessential Gemini), always learning more yet admitting to knowing so little. Let this eclipse guide you in the a new chapter entitled “Beginners Mind”, and you will likely learn exactly what you most need to know.

This eclipse takes place on June 10, 2021, and will be active for approximately six months.

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Venus Retrogrades in Gemini~

Venus Retrograde in Gemini 

May 13 thru June 25

It is so sad to love everything, without knowing what one loves! Pubilius Syrus

The Art of the Dance… | Dr. LaSharnda Beckwith


As Venus retrogrades in Gemini, your heart may feel split in two. An emotional pull that lures you toward indecisiveness will challenge your sense of logic, but if you take a light approach, you’ll prevail. Indeed, Venus in Gemini is  like the social butterfly- fun, curious and alluring, but ultimately non committal.  Venus is the planet of indulgence after all,  and Gemini is the zodiac’s most dualistc sign. 

If you’re involved with anyone who has a Venus in Gemini natal placement,  it’s likely he or she is highly flirtatious and has a special way with words. Keep this in mind throughout this retrograde cycle. Gemini energy is slick and Venus is all about getting what she wants. Translated- old flames will likely resurface. Initially the contact will likely be casual ie.  “just checking in” or “how have you been”?  Infact, your popularity may soar as a result of a flurry of old contacts swirl toward you, competing for your attention.

If there have been words left unsaid between you and someone special, this retrograde cycle will offer a wonderful opportunity to get your feelings off your chest. Once you can clearly see the situation from the other person’s perspective, love will open up, like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis.  


ARIES (March 21- April 19)

Talk it out Aries. This will lead you to the heart of the matter. 

TAURUS (April 20 -May 20)

Double Check your financial transactions. Refrain from buying beauty products.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

A past relationship will likely resurface. It will be up to you to find the reason why, and learn.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)

Time to face what’s holding you back from enjoying true love, Cancer. You can do it.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

An old flame may become a friend, but you’ll have to clearly explain yourself. 

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Check your A list Virgo, as a VIP may change his or her mind, all for the better. 

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

A long distance relationship may be up for review. Keep your standards high, Libra. 

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Someone close to you may finally come out with the truth. Give this person all the space he or she needs to feel safe. 

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Now’s the time to have a heart to hear talk. Compromise is possible. 

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

A lucrative artistic gig may come through for you,  but you’ll have to be flexible.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

A romantic ghost may become a zombie- call him or her out on it and let the chips fall where they may. 

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Consider re-organizing your home library, as you may find a favorite book that will have special significance. 

Famous People with Venus in Gemini

Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Simpson, Uma Thurman, Mike Tyson, William Shakespeare,

Bob Dylan

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The Poetry of Aries & Maya Angelou’s Wisdom~


The Poetry of Aries

You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. Maya Angelou, Sun in Aries

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With the Sun now in Aries, the sign of the courage and vitality, despite how constricted your environment may feel, you’ll have an opportunity to take the lead and create your own path forward. The power is in your hands to go your own way and stand tall, for nothing gets an Aries down for too long. 

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Conquering the Coronavirus, Sun in Aries

The Sun Enters Aries

Conquering the Corona Virus

The Clock is Ticking. If you’re going to start living now would be a good time.

Steven Hayes

Image result for Dance Photos of Courage

The Sun, the galaxy’s brightest star, is exalted in the sign of Aries. This amplify’s everything the Sun is well known for:  warmth, brightness, strength, optimism, hope, and spirit. All this ushers in the freshness that’s associated with Spring.

It is time to begin anew. Of all the zodiac signs, Aries has the most vitality. Take any Aries you know, and he or she will likely possess an inner confidence that always shines, like an eternal flame hidden in the depths of the heart.  Funny enough the root of the word courage is cor- the Latin word for heart. In it’s most basic form, the word courage means  “To speak one’s mind by telling all one’s heart.”

Ironically this makes of one of the zodiac’s most vulnerable and sensitive signs- they just don’t let disappointment get them down for very long.  Still, Aries can be sensitive to criticism, and easily feel slighted if not given the respect he or she rightly deserves. This is because Aries is all about “I”, not necessarily in the negative ego driven sense (that’s the dark side of Aries) but rather the healthy “I” that celebrates  a strong sense of personal identity and self actualization.

In times of crisis, we all need support, but I think it’s also important to realize we as individuals are more powerful than we may think. During this time when the Sun’s power is exalted, the following may be quite helpful:

How can  you take positive action toward what matters most to you? This is not so much about resources, or intelligence, or even confidence, but rather courage- the courage to go forward even though you may fall- hard.  Welcome the opportunity to take a very high step and you will  find success, whether you ‘make it’ or not. As the zodiac’s youngest sign, Aries is the most resilient.

The gift of the Sun is Aries? Trust in the power of your resilience.


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Sun in Pisces

The Sun enters Pisces

“I was trying to change things on the outside and you can’t. You’ve got to feel it on the inside and everything else will change.” Rhonda Byrne

Today the Sun enters Pisces, to last until March 20.  Now is the time to listen to the quiet voice within, and go deeper. 


Image result for Pisces ballet  photos


It’s Sagittarius Season!

The Sun Dances in Sagittarius~

Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul – and sings the tunes without the words – and never stops at all. Emily Dickenson, Sagittarius 

With the Sun now in Sagittarius, the zodiac’s most optimistic sign, have trust in the power of your faith, and you’ll see positive changes, especially in regards to a legal settlement, citizenship matter or ethical concern.  Doing what you know in your heart to be right, just, and true-this is what the fiery energy of Sagittarius is all about. Go all out, and go big, as Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the largest planet of the solar system.  If you can imagine yourself in a higher, grander place, whether it involves your career, creativity, or social circle, take the first step- and soon enough serendipity will likely inspire you to take a big leap. Who knows- you may even up dancing on your toes!


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It’s November!

It’s November!

Surviving The New Moon in Scorpio and Mercury Retrograde

October’s New Moon in Scorpio will travel into November and require you to be on your toes without going over the edge!


In order the find the edge, you must risk going over the edge! Dennis Dugan 



Luckiest Day of The Year!

Luckiest Day of the Year!

Sun in Leo trine Jupiter in Sagittarius


I think of myself as a highly sexual creature. Charleze Theron- Leo

Tamara Rojo como Isadora

That’s right. Today, August 7, is the luckiest day of the year. This most auspicious day occurs once every year and what’s special about this year is that both planets are in their most dignified signs. The Sun’s power is unmistakably glorious in Leo while Jupiter is at home in Sagittarius, the zodiac’s most optimistic sign. Fire signs will especially benefit from this rare alignment, and if your birthday happens to be today, on August 7  (plus or minus 3 days) you’ll likely hit the jackpot! So make sure your birthday wish is extra special!



Solar Eclipse in Cancer~

A Solar Eclipse in Cancer

We carry our homes with us, which enables us to fly. John Cage

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It’s June!

It’s June!

The Purpose of life is the expansion of happiness. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Person in Yellow Shirt and Blue Denim Shorts Doing Ballet Stance on Woods

Your Monthly Forecast is coming up Soon!