Monthly Archives: March 2016

Spring is Here!

 The  Season of Aries

As Spring arrives it will be time to show our best.  Energy will be high, with  the Sun’s arrival in Aries, its sign of exaltation, so it will be an excellent time to set a personal record.


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A Solar Eclipse in Pisces~

A Pisces Solar Eclipse Paves the Way for 2016~

Solar Eclipse in Pisces


Today hosts the first Solar Eclipse of 2016, in the zodiac’s last sign, Pisces. An interesting mix, as this suggests a new beginning with a tone of finality, like a new chapter that begins with a memory, flashback, or foreshadowing of what’s to come. Intuition is what Pisces is all about, and it’s often said that what will be in the future has already been laid out by a string of thoughts, ideas, and quiet longings that have slowly been gathering, to create momentum.

Consider this idea as you move ahead in a particular area of your life, and you  may be surprised to realize how well the route has been laid out to your new destination. If you don’t see a route however, you’ll likely need to take a detour, and this is largely what Solar Eclipses are all about-fresh starts.  It’s  kind of like that moment in Flash Dance , when audition time has come, and the music plays- but the steps aren’t quite polished… something is off.

Nothing wrong with that, however! She (actress Jennifer Beals), just asks if she can start over,  and from there on, it’s magic. She’s in control, yet totally free. I think this shows the beauty of timing. There are times when we need to start over, and if you truly feel you need a re-start- if you ask God, your higher power, or whatever you believe in, (Pisces is a highly spiritual sign), to start again, chances are excellent that you’ll get another chance, and this time- you’ll nail it.

More on that to come, as there are some other planetary alignments that will require you to carefully strategize. Until then,  here’s s a snap shot of what changes this eclipse will bring for you in the next several months. Pisces is gentle energy, but it also runs deep~

ARIES (March 21- April 19)

A new beginning for your life dream, a spiritual journey, or healing experience will likely be inevitable,  for you to be your best~

TAURUS (April 20 -May 20)

You’ll be revived by a new friendship, spiritual community, or philanthropic pursuit, which will likely change your outlook on the future~

 GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

Your public persona will become magnified- how do you want to be seen? Clarify that vision!

CANCER (June 22-July 22)

What do you most believe in? A spiritual review will likely lead you back on course, and to a personal breakthrough~

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Vulnerability will be the main theme in an intimate relationship. Your sensitivity will grant you power to make things right.

 VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Do you feel need support? You can get someone special to be on the same page with you-once you embrace your humility, and reach out~

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Infuse your lifestyle with things that nurture your soul, and life will feel so much easier! You can find a new way to solve an old problem~

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Harness your creativity, as this will unlock the power of your self expression, and give you a deeper sense of purpose.

 SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Look inside yourself for an answer you’ve been avoiding, or uncertain of, and you’ll likely clear emotional debris from a long standing obstacle-soon which may be no longer~

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Remember that it’s okay to change your mind- especially if you’re certain of  what lies in your heart~

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Challenge yourself to develop a new value that reflects your  higher, idealized self. This will likely carry the fuel that will jumpstart and redirect your life~

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Well- it’s all about you. That being said, you may realize you’ve become someone other than you thought. The depth of your life purpose is on the horizon~

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