Monthly Archives: April 2020

The Poetry of Aries & Maya Angelou’s Wisdom~


The Poetry of Aries

You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. Maya Angelou, Sun in Aries

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With the Sun now in Aries, the sign of the courage and vitality, despite how constricted your environment may feel, you’ll have an opportunity to take the lead and create your own path forward. The power is in your hands to go your own way and stand tall, for nothing gets an Aries down for too long. 

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Three Ways Astrology Can Help You Through The Corona Virus Pandemic

Three Ways Astrology Can Help you Through the Corona Virus Pandemic

Three things can not be hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. Buddha

Three Ways to Increased Vitality and Well Being

  1. Find ways to express the most  positive virtues of your Sun Sign.
  2. Embrace the qualities of your Moon Sign
  3. Follow the Rules of the planet and sign that governs your Solar 6th house

Your Sun Sign is what gives you vitality, will power, and purpose.

Sun Sign

 As the galaxy’s brightest star, the Sun is the giver of light, the source of energy, and raw power. Water signs will feel vitalized through intimacy, imagination, and emotional empathy. Fire signs will thrive off of creativity, physicality, and play. Earth signs need comfort, stability, and mental fortitude, while air signs need to be social, mentally active, and objective. 

Moon Sign

Your Moon sign is what makes you feel secure and at ease.

Water Moon Signs thrive off of emotional connection.

Fire Moon Signs need to be appreciated for their humor and playfulness.

Earth Moon Signs will find comfort in good food, comfortable clothes, and a touch of luxury.

Air Moon Signs will find comfort in conversation, social media, and intellectual games. 

Your 6th House

The sixth house governs the area of your chart that represents self-care, hygiene, and well being. 

To find the planet and sign associated with your sixth house, count 6 signs from your Sun sign. That planet and sign will clue you in to the best TLC formula.  So for example, if you are a Cancer, you will have Sagittarius as the sign of your 6th house cusp. This means being in large, open spaces where you can take in fresh air will help you feel revived and refreshed, as Sagittarius is the sign of exploration and adventure. If you can’t get outside, simply focusing on large yoga movements that emphasize full breaths will be good!

I’ll get into this in more detail in another post!

Shine Your Light~