Monthly Archives: April 2012

Weekly Video Horoscope for April 29th



April 29th Weekly Horoscope

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Dick Clark’s Death Marks The Birth of a Terpsichore Legend

 Dick Clark  Passes into Terpsichore Light

Music is the soundtrack of  your life- Dick Clark

American icon, Dick Clark, host of  American Bandstand, and Sagittarius, passes away at a special Terpsichore moment, when she is in faithful Sagittarius conjunct the North Node. Dick Clark has natal Terpsichore in Scorpio at the very end of the 12th house, tightly conjunct his rising sign and south node in Scorpio. This tells me music was his spiritual blood, where he felt most at home.

 He also has Terpsichore directly opposing Chiron, which is tightly conjunct his Taurus north node in the 7th house of  relationships. His passion for music had a magical impact on all those he came into contact with, especially his loyal fans and audience. Musical giant Neptune is at the apex of a t square, making a home for his Sag Sun Mercury Mars stellium  Gemini Jupiter opposition. He indeed was a special Terpsichore personification, emphasizing the celebration of choral song, or music, as we know it today.  His chart is fascinating…and there is much more  Terpsichore  ground to cover, I feel as if I just begun…

His natal Chiron is in Taurus at the very end of the 6th house of health, (tightly conjunct his 7th house and  North node) . Mercury  is in the first  house while ruling the 8th house of spiritual transformation.   On the day of his passing, Chiron was exactly squaring his Mercury (ruler of the 8th),  as well as Mars, co-ruler of his ascendant and ruler of his 6th house of health.

I loved watching The Dick Clark Show when I was a young girl…it was like a Terpsichore ritual I wouldn’t dare miss. Listening and watching the music inspired me to dance in my living room where nobody could watch! Along with all the music lovers out there… I will miss him dearly.

He was  destined to be a Terpsichore legend.

A Pisces Moon Conjoins Neptune~ A Cinderella Moment

A  Pisces Cinderella Celebration!

The Moon enters Pisces and Joins Neptune, its Ruler 

The moon is now in Pisces and making its way toward a loving embrace with its own ruler, Neptune, the planet of escape and romance. This is a special event indeed. The last time a Pisces Moon Neptune conjunction happened was around 1849!!! Famed  astrologer Liz Greene says Cinderella is the quintessential Pisces. Pisces is the  romantic dreamer who  can’t help but indulge in fantasy-  the bigger, the grander, the lovelier, the better! Its appetite for imagination has no end!  This is a beautiful time to appreciate the power of dance, particularly the ballet.  Explore the dancer in you…the fantasy of being lost in paradise, and just for a day or two (before the Moon enters Aries) , to feel like Cinderella and walk in  her glass slippers~




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Mars Goes Direct in Virgo~ A Baryshnikov Event



A Baryshnikov Overview for all Signs~

Finally! The planet of inspired action goes direct in perfectionist Virgo. Mikhail Baryshnikov has Mars in Virgo- a great staple for what this placement is really capable of…physcial excellence. Virgo reflects the perfectionism required for ballet…the pure focus on technique. You can either do it or you can’t. There is only one right way to do it, so you must master the ‘how’ to be proficient. Much of the artistry is in the technique itself.  This is what ballet training is all about and why it’s best for dancers to start training very young if they want to be a professional. Exactitude is a prerequisite for brilliance.

To be exact, our minds must be clear so we can exist completely in the moment. Our nervous system needs to be keen and alert. It’s an odd thing, to be aggressively meditative. On one hand, the time space continuum is magnified, and  there’s the urge to master it. Yet, on the other hand, we have to lose ourself to the point where we can transcend time and space as we know it.  This process is not natural for  humans…we have to practice it. So now that Mars is direct, we can practice with more enthusiasm, fearlessness, and most of all passion…so we can finally get it right, or at least closer! As long as you let your actions speak louder than your words, you’ll be headed directly toward your target~

The Passionate Physical Precision of Baryshnikov

For all signs:

Sweep away any fear of inadequacy by  practicing getting into the zone~


Honor your health and speed through work projects in an orderly fashion.  Get physically tuned up, and you’ll run like a brand new machine.


Have fun! Let yourself breathe and be picky about your creative endeavors. They have to reflect the true you. Children give you motivation and confidence.


Get your private life together. Be meticulously courageous when it comes to settling family issues. In other words, pick your battles carefully.


Get clear about your negotiations. Have your facts straight. Assert your true intentions. Your fiery logic shows you can’t be pushed around.


Do do the numbers. Do they add up? If not, be diligent in getting the right answer. For there is a right answer, especially when it comes to your hard-earned money.


Your well-being is number one on your priority list. Fight for your right to do what you want to do. Have faith in your high expectations.


Try something different. By that I mean make some important decisions about changing your  psychological  ‘process’.  Make your steps small but well thought out.


Go for the gold, after you’ve written down exactly how you’re going to get it. If you want to break the mold, make sure you know the rules first.


Plunge forward with your best foot in your career path. You know what you’re doing. Now it’s time to prove that to others. Honoring your family gives you strength.


Your intelligence can get you places you normally wouldn’t dream of visiting. Strive to make detailed plans for your own special journey, the farther away, the better.


Be clear in the boundaries you create within your financial partnerships.  Be aggressive  with uncovering all fiscal details so you can be organized and at peace.


It’s now time to put analyses to the test and approach your relationships with a clear sense of mind. Knowing exactly what you want invigorates your personal mission.

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Sherri Shepherd’s Unexpected Farewell on DWTS

Sherri Shepherd’s Shocking Elimination on DWTS

A Uranus Conjunct Saturn Classic Moment~

‘That thing that scares you the most- that you don’t know if you can do because ‘I’m so scared’ -run toward it – because it’s beautiful on the other side’. ~ Sherri Shepherd

I was shocked and so saddened to see The View’s bubbly host Sherri Shepherd leave DWTS last night!! I actually did a video prior to the last show, predicting she would definitely stay in! Sherri was my favorite contestant and I was really rooting for her. After her elimination, I looked into her chart more deeply and noticed Uranus, the planet of unpredictable shock and surprise, traveling right on her Saturn, the master of karma and  hard-won maturity.  Sherri’s Saturn is in Aries, the ‘winner’ of the zodiac…wherever Saturn sits in our chart tells the story of  where and how our hardest lessons are learned. For Sherri, Aries themes of bravery, competition, athleticism and valor,  bring her great hardship yet offer glorious rewards of maturity and humility, whether she end up ‘winning’ or not.

 I admit I haven’t been following DWTS as closely as previous seasons, yet from what I’ve seen…of all the contestants, it looks like  Sherri wanted this experience the most and will be changed by it the most.  I say this because  her Terpsichore is on the very edge of  Cancer  at 29 degrees (which is also pretty close to her Jupiter), at the apex of a T square…setting the stage for a Sun Mars opposition to play its self out, which I believe  is exactly what happened last night on DWTS.

I wouldn’t be surprised if last night was the most emotional night of her life.

‘That thing that scares you the most- that you don’t know if you can do because ‘I’m so scared’…Run toward it.  Because it’s beautiful on the other side’

Watching her say this electrified my bones and made me smile inside. Somehow I think Sherri’s experience on DWTS reflects Terpsichore’s own experience…to take such delight in celebration through music and movement, as a mother,  and as a story-teller, whose purpose is to relay a very special message about the beauty of life. Terpsichore’s journey, I’m finding, is much about coming home to the depths of our human feeling, where the unexpected could happen at any moment and turn our souls upside down. Perhaps this is why she is so married to each moment, celebrating life with the power of her human gifts, her body, and her voice. Sherri is an undeniable Taurus,  with her Sun at the strongest (‘Aries point’) 1st degree, of the sign of the body and voice,…Taurus- the sign of the bull who has the strength and power that’s required for the ‘dancer’ to bring the dream down to Earth, like Martha Graham, Fred Astaire, Margot Fonteyn, James Brown, Isadora Duncan,  Michele Wiles, and Jack Cole, to name a few…Sherri also has Taurus’s ruler Venus, married to the exquisite fixed star Aldebaran, in 9 degrees of Gemini. Her light is special indeed…meant to shine in more ways than she could probably imagine.

Her dancing has revealed  just a glimmer of her hidden potential~

Weekly Video Forecast For All Signs, April 8th


Mars Goes Direct in Virgo at the Moon’s First Quarter

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The Isis Full Moon in Libra


So, on Thursday night  the Libra Full Moon was tightly entwined with the Egyptian Goddess, Isis.  This  influence will last a while I think. The spirit of Isis shining through the luminousity of a Libra Full Moon, brings light to resurrection and healing, as we attempt to strike  a balance within our relationships.  Equality is personal. We all need special things to make us feel at peace within partnership. The quest for truth between two worlds, two, people, two lives…can a be an endless journey filled with frustration, or enlighenment…depending on how well we can access and direct our personal power.

Isis brings the gift of connection….she inspires us to go within and gather all the different parts of ourselves into one whole, so we can breathe life into a new, more authentic self.  We all have the ability to ‘connect’…to piece ourselves together with our own creativity…we may  see our self in the image of another, and be inspired because they have touched something within us that was once dormant. I think Isis offers us the power to become conscious of this process.

She lets us know  our lifeblood is deeply connected to others…we have the power to help reassemble and regenerate the ones we are closest to, and in the process, ourselves. If this is done with love and purity…magic happens. If it is done out of fear and attachment, we die. The line is very thin, and the journey can be dauntingly blurry. If we keep looking for the truth however,(our personal truth), and if  we can remain  guided from the depths of our intuition, things are bound to start showing up, one by one, like magic…until we see not only with our eyes but with our whole selves, and we can connect with another in fullness and beauty.

This leads into a segway for the dance~ Libra is about striking a chord of perfect balance…and within that comes the preoccupation with symmetry of line, of focus, of intent…how to create this balance within ourselves, even though what we see may not reflect that perfection~


Weekly Horoscope for April 1, 2012


If you can’t say it, dance it.

 This goes for all signs!  It’s a beautiful time for heart to heart talk about a sensitive topic close to your soul.  Even if you’re not sure what to say, or what you think, just make that first step and put the conversation on the table.  Sensitivity is in the air…take it all in and don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t have the answers you need.  Just keep breathing, and by Friday, you can have a breakthrough.

It’s a great time to find special ways to say you what’s on your mind as well as your heart. As long as it comes from within, you can’t go wrong!

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Dancestrology~Dance is the Reason Why Things Happen