Monthly Archives: November 2016

New Moon in Sagittarius~

The New Moon Enters Sagittarius

When nothing is sure, everything is possible. Margaret Drabble

The New Moon in Sagittarius will embrace the asteroid goddess Juno. If you’re single and dating, any new relationship you begin now will likely have a strong streak of adventure, and your partner will likely go out of his or her way to make you feel special.

These next two weeks will be an excellent time to gently go beyond your comfort zone. Take on a different perspective when it comes to religion, politics, or a personal life philosophy, and you may come to an inspiring insight. As the sign of the hero (or heroine), Sagittarius is courageous and bigger than life.

Explore ways you can awaken your greatest strength. Whether it be physical, emotional, intellectual, or spiritual, honor what makes you strong, as this will only pull you through, but many others.

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The Sun Enters Sagittarius

Nine Ways to Spread the Spirit of Sagittarius

1.Laugh  2. Philosophize  3.Be Honest  4.Stay Curious  5.Thing Big  6.Be Heroic       

7.Be Spontaneous  8. Have Faith

9. Spread Your Truth!

Famous Sagittarius Dancers and Terpsichoreans

Emily Dickenson, Alicia Alonso, Desmond Richardson, Nostradamus, Alexander Godunov, Larry Bourgeois, Taylor Swift, Grace Marcum, Jamie Foxx, Charlize Glass, Vaibhavi Merchant

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November Monthly Forecast


I choose my cards. Play them to the best of my ability. Move on to the next hand.  Hillary Clinton (Scorpio).

ballet-playing-cardsNOVEMBER FORECAST

The new moon in Scorpio at the end of October will carry into the beginning of November and set the tone for this month.  Imagination, romance, and compassion will run deep, as the moon will be in beautiful alignment with Neptune, the planet of idealism, and emotional inspiration.  Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces will be at home with their feelings, and comfortable in their own skin.  Fire and air signs may be challenged to integrate a more fluid, sensitive way of relating, into their life. Earth signs will be stimulated to go within and get in touch with their sensuality.

The United States Election day will fall on Tuesday, November 8.  The moon will enter Pisces, 4:45 EST. Hope will likely permeate the air, as Pisces (ruled by Neptune), is a spiritual sign that is most optimistic.  Mars, the planet of assertion and strength, will be at the tail end of Capricorn. This is an exalted placement for Mars, as Mars loves the industriousness stamina that Capricorn naturally exudes.  I have a feeling tension will be high, yet contained. If you are a Capricorn, an important project may need to be wrapped up, despite any insistence to get it ‘just right’.  As for the presidential election, Hillary Clinton is a Scorpio, with a Scorpio ascendant and Pisces moon,  while Donald Trump is a Gemini with a Leo ascendant (conjunct the fixed star Regulus), and Sagittarius moon.

Although the moon moves very quickly, it does represent the public, and suggests voters will be feeling sensitive, emotional, and compassionate. The Feminine will have an edge over the Masculine (a Trump virtue), as Pisces is known to be gentle, loving, and ultimately compassionate to those who are less fortunate.  Jupiter, the planet of good will and politics, will be on Ms. Clinton’s side.  Currently at 13 degrees of Libra, (the sign of justice), Jupiter is approaching a sextile  (a fabulous connection), with Ms. Clinton’s Mars Pluto conjunction (in the ninth house of politics). Jupiter is also very close to Ms. Clinton’s natal Neptune, ( 11 degrees of Libra), in the eleventh house of bureaucracy.  This harmonious aspect strongly suggests the fruition of a cherished life long dream. Yet, Uranus, the planet up upheaval  and surprise, is in the most masculine sign of the zodiac, (Aries).  Now at odds with Pluto, the planet of irreversible change in Capricorn (ie. the status quo),  anything is possible, as Trump’s raise to the nomination as proved.   Moving on from politics to pure enjoyment…

The full moon In November will arrive on Monday, November 14, in Taurus, where the moon is exalted.  If your birthday falls within five days of May 11, you’ll feel this full moon the most.  Venus, the ruler of this full moon, will be partile (in the same degree), of Mercury, suggesting honest conversation about love, artistic expression, and social justice, (especially in business, because Venus will be in Capricorn).  Although the full moon will make no major aspects to any planets,  the exaltation in Taurus will make this time quite luxurious and sensual- definitely a great time to indulge in fine wine and chocolate!

 If you are in the United States and will celebrate Thanksgiving, God bless you! The planetary weather will be harsh on Thursday, November 24.  As Jupiter, the planet of optimism, confronts Pluto, the planet of strong-willed authority,  everyone will be busy trying to look good to get their own way.  You may find yourself pressured to eat when you’re outright full, or take on extra guests while you’re left alone (or crowded) in an overheated kitchen.  The variations of what could go awry are endless.  The best way you can protect yourself and make the most of this day will be to have a keen sense of proportion. Know ahead of time what your limit is, and commit to it.  Pluto (a more powerful planet), will ultimately override Jupiter. With Pluto in Capricorn, (a serious sign), it won’t take much to gather the courage you need to honor your integrity.

November will end with a tango between Neptune and the new moon in Sagittarius.  You may be overly optimistic about a romance or artistic endeavor, (no matter what sign you are).  Don’t be afraid to over-commit, as long as you’re prepared to pull back a bit, to regain your balance.  It will be challenging to fully separate from your emotions and think rationally.  You’ll be better to go with your intuition, and take a flexible approach.  If you can prepare yourself to go in any direction, you may not arrive where you expected, but you’ll still land in very good place, where you’ll have agency.

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Chicago Cubs World Series Win~ The Champions of Resilience!

Chicago Cubs Word Series Victory 2016

 A Glorious Transformation!

It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop. Andy Warhol


On Wednesday, November 2, 2016, the Sun and Terpsichore fully embraced in Scorpio, the sign of will power and transformation. When the brightest star in the Galaxy joins with an asteroid-(in this case, the muse of grace and physicality) it seems magical things happen. Indeed, the Cubs win for this World Series has been hailed a miracle-their first win since 1908! Some say winning is often about timing-others say it’s about never giving up. As the sign of death and rebirth, Scorpio’s power resides in resilience, a virtue that can be gut wrenching,  but ultimately,  exhilarating. 

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