Monthly Archives: December 2016

A Gemini Full Moon

Gemini Full Moon

Sometimes, I believed six impossible things before breakfast! Lewis Carroll


NYU Tisch School of the Arts Lois Greenfield

The light from the full moon in Gemini will carry on until Christmas

As the sign of variety, this full moon will have a active, playful energy. If you have been brainstorming or deliberating about an important decision, you’ll likely come up with a fabulous idea you can’t wait to put into action!


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Happy Birthday to Emily Dickenson! A Sagittarius Wordsmith~


Sagittarius Sun, Libra Moon, Scorpio Rising

A prolific poet indeed: Here is her  ode to Terpsichore~

I Cannot Dance Upon my Toes


I Cannot Dance Upon my Toes

I cannot dance upon my Toes—
No Man instructed me—
But oftentimes, among my mind,
A Glee possesseth me,

That had I Ballet knowledge—
Would put itself abroad
In Pirouette to blanch a Troupe—
Or lay a Prima, mad,

And though I had no Gown of Gauze—
No Ringlet, to my Hair,
Nor hopped to Audiences—like Birds,
One Claw upon the Air,

Nor tossed my shape in Eider Balls,
Nor rolled on wheels of snow
Till I was out of sight, in sound,
The House encore me so—

Nor any know I know the Art
I mention—easy—Here—
Nor any Placard boast me—
It’s full as Opera—

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Time to get Serious- The Sun embraces Saturn



CNN. com El Capitan in Yosemite National Park Bandaloop Dance Company

God Give me hills to climb, and the strength for climbing. A Guiterman

When the Sun and Saturn are in the same degree, it’s one of the most serious days of the year. As the Sun joins Saturn, (to be completely united on Saturday December 10, 6:51 a.m.) we’ll feel the ground beneath our feet.  But the Sun will still be shining! That’s because these planets will unite in a fire sign, Sagittarius, the most optimistic sign of the zodiac. Expect your faith to be tested (severely), and with a strong sense of heroism and adventure, you’ll find your way. Saturn’s job is to teach us the value of hard work, and perseverance, so you may feel worked to the bone. The good news is, if you can stay happy,  (or a least  find a reason to smile), you’ll infuse your work with real spirit, and you’ll make a lasting difference. This may involve your website, a business expansion, or educational pursuit. No matter how hard it gets- keep going, and you’ll flex your spiritual muscles.


ARIES (March 21- April 19)

Travel plans might be delayed, or a business trip may conflict with your schedule. Take it slow, and you’ll work out the details as you go along. If you’re a student or intern, you may question your ability to succeed, due to a heavy work load. This too shall pass Aries, in the meantime, keep the big picture in clear focus

TAURUS (April 20 -May 20)

Your credit might be in question in regards to a big purchase. A mortgage, student loan, or insurance policy may have you really concerned, and your options may be limited. Do your best to get down the basics of what’s at stake, and the right decision will likely be the only one that makes complete sense.

 GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

You and your sweetheart or business partner may come to standstill in regards to your relationship’s future. Honesty will be the best policy as you express what’s on your mind- so don’t hold back. You’ll likely discover your partner feels the same- which will give you a great start for positive change!

CANCER (June 22-July 22)

Take care of your health, Cancer. An important work assignment or health matter may take its toll on you if you’re not careful, (even with your mastery of delegation). Take time out to get some air and have fun. Even if you don’t think you have the time, a little play break will likely improve your mood, as well as your productivity.

 LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

You may feel the weight of being a parent, if you have children. You son or daughter may need you to come through for them at the wrong time. Try not to be too hard on yourself Leo. Even though you’re the lion of zodiac, you’re still human! If you’re single and dating, a commitment may have you nervous-stay flexible, as true love always makes one feel free.

 VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You may feel weighted down by your emotions and feel overwhelmed by too many options. This will likely involve a family matter, relocation, or real estate venture. If you’ve been thinking about relocating, you may realize it’s time to make a final decision. Stay open minded and listen to your gut- as you’ll likely be pleasantly surprised by what you hear.

 LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

A serious conversation will likely be on your mind. This may involve your brother or sister, or a neighbor. If you have a short trip or important errand to run, you’ll likely be delayed. A simple detour that looks like a short cut will likely become a maze of confusion. You’ll master the chaos if you give yourself lots of time, and stay positive.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Money will likely be on your mind. You may need to save more than you thought, or you may not be making as much you’d like. You have a keen business mind Scorpio. Think of ways you can conserve, and you’ll likely come up with a workable plan that will be full proof for the long run. Know what has the most value, as this will be a key success factor.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Wow Sagittarius. With Saturn, the planet of wisdom and maturity, now in Sagittarius, (to last until December 2017), you may feel as though the world is on your shoulders. And this is a good thing! Reach out to those who believe in you, and you’ll realize you have everything it takes to make the most of all the opportunities that lie ahead. Don’t go this day alone—as you’ll receive solid support from a mentor, colleague, or close friend.

 CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

A confidential matter might be on your mind, and you finally have to squarely face the impact of its consequences. Alternatively, from out of the blue, you may realize someone is not on your side. Be ready to draw a line, Capricorn. Stay aware, as a blind spot will likely become revealed to you and challenge you to go within to find the real solution.

 AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

A close friend may fall short of your expectations, or he or she may be faced with a personal challenge that impacts your relationship. You may be called on for encouragement when you may the one who sincerely needs it. Aquarius is known as the sign of friendship, so it’s likely you’ll instinctively know what to do. Stay steadfast to those you believe in, and you’ll deepen your faith.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

A public ambition may become increasingly complicated, and you may wonder if it’s even worth it to follow through. It might be that you’re trying to do too much with too little. Keep your vision big and stay wholehearted, but pace yourself. Any road block you encounter will likely be a grand opportunity to recommit with added strength, and certainty.

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December Forecast


December Forecast


Misty Copeland and Alexandre Hammoudi

For mortal to aid mortal-this is God. Pliny the Elder

A full moon in Gemini will arrive Tuesday, December 13, and its influence will carry on until Christmas.  As the sign of correspondence and trade, Gemini likes to keep us moving.  You can expect the last two weeks to be busy, but no so much that you can’t make extra time to catch up with friends and socialize. Keep in mind Mercury (Gemini’s ruler), will be retrograde from Thursday, December 19, thru Monday, January, 9, which will definitely keep things interesting. Gifts cards will likely be the safest bet for fickle loved ones.  Loved ones you know very well may undergo a change in personal taste that may be nearly impossible for you to anticipate.

The good news is the full moon will be in beautiful alignment with Jupiter, the Santa Clause of astrology (now in Libra, the planet of relationships).  So, even if you miss the mark with a special gift, your generosity will be graciously received.  The new moon will arrive Thursday, December 29, in Capricorn. This new moon will a great way to usher in 2017, as it will firmly shake hands with the action planet, Mars, (which will be in Pisces).  The following two week will be a great time to get down to business (a Capricorn virtue) while be guided by what truly inspires you (thanks to Pisces).

For those who will celebrate Christmas, you can look forward to a beautiful day. A most fortuitous and rare alignment between Venus and Jupiter will click in perfection on Christmas day, 8:23 a.m. EST. Venus, the planet of love and affection, will be in Aquarius, a fabulous match for Jupiter in Libra.  Indeed, if you are an air sign, this Christmas will likely be very memorable.  And for all the rest, no matter your faith, this day will likely lift your spirits, and make you want to sing your favorite song.

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