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Solar Eclipse in Gemini~

Gemini Solar Eclipse

“We must run as fast as we can just to stay in place.

And if you wish to go anywhere you must run twice as fast as that.”

Svetlana Zakharova

It’s no wonder Bolshoi Prima Ballerina, Svetlana Zakharova is a Gemini, not only gifted with exquisite mercurial limbs, but beautiful articulate thoughts that dance as gracefully as her body. With the Solar Eclipse in Gemini, the sign of agility, speed, and variety, we are encouraged to think on our feet, embrace the moment, and no matter chaotic life may get, to stay on the move. The next several months will likely offer many invitations to bond with a sibling, gain the trust of a close friend, or learn something new that will change your outlook on life, and who you thought you were. Yes, Gemini is known for riding that slippery slope between objective facts and subjective truths- think of famed public intellectual Jordan Peterson (the quintessential Gemini), always learning more yet admitting to knowing so little. Let this eclipse guide you in the a new chapter entitled “Beginners Mind”, and you will likely learn exactly what you most need to know.

This eclipse takes place on June 10, 2021, and will be active for approximately six months.

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Lunar Eclipse in Gemini

Lunar Eclipse in Gemini

It is best to rise from life as from a banquet, neither thirsty nor drunken. Aristotle

The Lunar eclipse in Gemini will ask that you come to an end of an outdated way of thinking.  Indeed, Lunar Eclipses do make us feel unsteady, but for good reason! Be bold enough to question your strongest opinion, and you’ll make room for a bright new idea that’s been simmering for a long time.  

ARIES (March 21- April 19)

A big idea comes to fruition. 

TAURUS (April 20 -May 20)

Time to close a big deal. 

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

A closing life chapter opens a new revolving door.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)

Listen to your dreams. They carry your deepest  truth. 

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Make your biggest wish extra sweet.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

It’s your time to shine in the spotlight. Don’t hold back. 

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Faith leads the way, but be nimble. 

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You’re due for a fresh start. Time to shed your  skin.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Let yourself be loved. Open your heart. 

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

A job well done will expand your skill set and put you in the know.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Express yourself. Important people are watching.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

If you’re thinking about closing a chapter and moving on, the timing is perfect. 

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Venus Retrogrades in Gemini~

Venus Retrograde in Gemini 

May 13 thru June 25

It is so sad to love everything, without knowing what one loves! Pubilius Syrus

The Art of the Dance… | Dr. LaSharnda Beckwith


As Venus retrogrades in Gemini, your heart may feel split in two. An emotional pull that lures you toward indecisiveness will challenge your sense of logic, but if you take a light approach, you’ll prevail. Indeed, Venus in Gemini is  like the social butterfly- fun, curious and alluring, but ultimately non committal.  Venus is the planet of indulgence after all,  and Gemini is the zodiac’s most dualistc sign. 

If you’re involved with anyone who has a Venus in Gemini natal placement,  it’s likely he or she is highly flirtatious and has a special way with words. Keep this in mind throughout this retrograde cycle. Gemini energy is slick and Venus is all about getting what she wants. Translated- old flames will likely resurface. Initially the contact will likely be casual ie.  “just checking in” or “how have you been”?  Infact, your popularity may soar as a result of a flurry of old contacts swirl toward you, competing for your attention.

If there have been words left unsaid between you and someone special, this retrograde cycle will offer a wonderful opportunity to get your feelings off your chest. Once you can clearly see the situation from the other person’s perspective, love will open up, like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis.  


ARIES (March 21- April 19)

Talk it out Aries. This will lead you to the heart of the matter. 

TAURUS (April 20 -May 20)

Double Check your financial transactions. Refrain from buying beauty products.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

A past relationship will likely resurface. It will be up to you to find the reason why, and learn.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)

Time to face what’s holding you back from enjoying true love, Cancer. You can do it.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

An old flame may become a friend, but you’ll have to clearly explain yourself. 

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Check your A list Virgo, as a VIP may change his or her mind, all for the better. 

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

A long distance relationship may be up for review. Keep your standards high, Libra. 

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Someone close to you may finally come out with the truth. Give this person all the space he or she needs to feel safe. 

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Now’s the time to have a heart to hear talk. Compromise is possible. 

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

A lucrative artistic gig may come through for you,  but you’ll have to be flexible.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

A romantic ghost may become a zombie- call him or her out on it and let the chips fall where they may. 

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Consider re-organizing your home library, as you may find a favorite book that will have special significance. 

Famous People with Venus in Gemini

Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Simpson, Uma Thurman, Mike Tyson, William Shakespeare,

Bob Dylan

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A Gemini Full Moon

Gemini Full Moon

Sometimes, I believed six impossible things before breakfast! Lewis Carroll


NYU Tisch School of the Arts Lois Greenfield

The light from the full moon in Gemini will carry on until Christmas

As the sign of variety, this full moon will have a active, playful energy. If you have been brainstorming or deliberating about an important decision, you’ll likely come up with a fabulous idea you can’t wait to put into action!


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December Forecast


December Forecast


Misty Copeland and Alexandre Hammoudi

For mortal to aid mortal-this is God. Pliny the Elder

A full moon in Gemini will arrive Tuesday, December 13, and its influence will carry on until Christmas.  As the sign of correspondence and trade, Gemini likes to keep us moving.  You can expect the last two weeks to be busy, but no so much that you can’t make extra time to catch up with friends and socialize. Keep in mind Mercury (Gemini’s ruler), will be retrograde from Thursday, December 19, thru Monday, January, 9, which will definitely keep things interesting. Gifts cards will likely be the safest bet for fickle loved ones.  Loved ones you know very well may undergo a change in personal taste that may be nearly impossible for you to anticipate.

The good news is the full moon will be in beautiful alignment with Jupiter, the Santa Clause of astrology (now in Libra, the planet of relationships).  So, even if you miss the mark with a special gift, your generosity will be graciously received.  The new moon will arrive Thursday, December 29, in Capricorn. This new moon will a great way to usher in 2017, as it will firmly shake hands with the action planet, Mars, (which will be in Pisces).  The following two week will be a great time to get down to business (a Capricorn virtue) while be guided by what truly inspires you (thanks to Pisces).

For those who will celebrate Christmas, you can look forward to a beautiful day. A most fortuitous and rare alignment between Venus and Jupiter will click in perfection on Christmas day, 8:23 a.m. EST. Venus, the planet of love and affection, will be in Aquarius, a fabulous match for Jupiter in Libra.  Indeed, if you are an air sign, this Christmas will likely be very memorable.  And for all the rest, no matter your faith, this day will likely lift your spirits, and make you want to sing your favorite song.

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October Forecast for all Zodiac Signs

October Monthly Forecast

There is no end. There is no beginning. There is only the infinite passion of living.   Federico Fellini



The new moon in Libra will make October a standout month for 2016. With Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and good good fortune, so close to the new moon, new partnerships will carry great potential. Someone new who comes into your life may show you ways you can do more with less, as Libra is a savvy sign that knows how to make the most of those who are well informed, and connected. Relationships of all kinds will likely  feel renewed with optimism. Even if you experienced setbacks from the past, you’ll be inclined to make a fresh start, as the future will look brighter and motivate you to keep going. 

Mercury, the messenger planet, will unite with Jupiter on Monday, October 10, so good news will be on its way, especially for Virgo and Gemini. Virgo may receive a positive message about a holistic endeavor  or retreat, while Gemini may receive a special romantic invitation. If you’re single and have been of the social loop, this month will bode well for online dating, meetup groups, and networking, as it will be easy to make new people who you find appealing and ‘in the know’.

The full moon in Aries Saturday, October 15,  will be like a firecracker, so expect the unexpected, as you’ll likely need to make a swift turn at a moment’s notice. With Uranus, the planet of upheaval and excitement, tightly embraced with the full moon, who knows what may happen…but emotions will run high, as many people will likely be on edge. If you are an Aries born within 5 days of April 10, you’ll feel this full moon the most. Others who have planets near 23 degrees of Cancer, Capricorn, or Libra, will also feel the heat from this full moon. Whatever transpires, consider it a blessing, even if at the time you may feel crazed. Shakeups in life reveal our strength, and that’s what Aries is all about.

October concludes with a beautiful new moon in Scorpio, the day before Halloween. Water signs will likely be in romantic bliss- and for those who are unattached, you’ll  be extra magnetic. Mercury and Neptune (the planet of starry eyed bliss) will join together in Scorpio, (along with Terpsichore!!)  and will be very close to the full moon just a few degrees away- this spells magic. Whatever your dream may be, speak it, dance it, believe it, as the midnight sky will be a clean slate for a miracle.

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Summer is Here!

A Full Moon Summer Solstice~

to find the point where hypothesis and fact meet… Lilian Smith

This Summer Solstice arrives with a Full Moon at the tail end of  Sagittarius, the zodiac’s most optimistic sign. Hang on to your faith as the season unfolds, and a message, belief, or philosophy you’d like to share, will likely find its way to a vast audience~


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June Monthly Horoscope for all Zodiac Signs~

June Monthly Horoscope for

All Zodiac Signs

Jupiter Trine Pluto, The Stairway to Paradise

07_Christopher Wheeldon

June will be a special month for all of us, as it will host an auspicious and rare cosmic event: an exact trine (120 degree, harmonious angle), between two powerful planets, Jupiter and Pluto.  As the solar system’s largest planet, Jupiter is known as the planet of expansion. Its diameter is roughly 11 times that of Earth, and over twice the mass of all the other planets in the Solar System combined. People who have strong Jupiter signatures in their charts are known for their gregarious, big hearted nature, and many have a large stature that reflects their zest for life- (Santa Clause is a great example!)  Now, in Virgo, the sign of analysis and service, Jupiter‘s influence will bode well for  industriousness, precision, and logic.

This placement is a fabulous match for ambitious Capricorn, in which Pluto, (a tiny yet powerful planet) resides. As Scorpio’s overseer, Pluto symbolizes the dark side- the underworld, where we come face to face with our personal demons, and as result, are purified.  This is often a slow and drawn out process however.  Pluto moves so slowly that it takes about 14 to 30 years for to travel through one zodiac sign. Thus, when it makes a rare alignment with another planet, the reverberation is grander than Beethoven’s  9th symphony!  Everyone feels it.  Capricorn and Virgo will be in the front row, while Libra and Aquarius will be in the balcony. Mark June 25-26 on your calendar, as the energy will release to a peak on June 25th.

George Gershwin, one of American’s most prolific songwriters and composers had Jupiter trine Pluto in his natal chart.  His lyrics say it all~

Stairway to Paradise

Let me tell you there are a lot of features
Of the dance that carry you through
The Gates of Heaven
It’s madness
To be always sitting around in sadness,
When you could be learning the Steps of Gladness.
You’ll be happy when you can do
Just six or seven.
Begin today. You’ll find it nice:
The quickest way to Paradise.

Jupiter’s waltz with Pluto

Faith meets Destiny


ARIES (March 21- April 19)

Writing music is not so much inspiration as hard work. George Gershwin

You’ll have a wealth of clients, orders, or assignment offers that will shift your career in fifth gear. Your vitality will be crucial in helping you make the most of all that comes your way. Aries thrives off of high energy- and you’ll likely be feeling your best .This will make it easy for you to confidently take on a grand task, and do an excellent job. If you’ve been looking to change departments, or are interested in a new position with added responsibility and stature, your work ethic will likely get you exactly where you want to be.

TAURUS (April 20 -May 20)

Life is a lot like Jazz, it’s best when you improvise. George Gershwin

An opportunity to travel or study abroad may arrive, and open up a new door for your future (especially if you’re an artist). If you’re in a long distance relationship, a new level of commitment will likely bring long lasting, positive change. Your confidence will be at a high, which will make you more hopeful than usual-so if you find yourself feeling unusually optimistic- invite that feeling in! A child (or baby on the way) can have a powerful effect on you now, and add meaning to your life. Dare to release your creative side if you have an idea that needs to be released, as you may have the seed of  a masterpiece.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

I’m a little lamb who’s lost in the wood, I know I could always be good to the one who will watch over me. Crazy for you, George Gershwin

Jupiter’s tour through your chart’s nadir will bring you to oneness with your deepest feelings. This will help in your decision making process (as Geminis can have a hard time making up their minds). A financial matter will likely reveal a personal  value you may have lost touch with. It may be a family, or cultural value you somehow lost sight of. But soon, you’ll likely be reintroduced to that value.  When you are, you’ll be comforted with a new found emotional peace, as you’ll instinctively know  that whatever you decide, it will turn out for the best.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)

It’s madness to always be sitting around in sadness, when you could learn the steps of gladness. Gershwin

Negotiation will be favored for you, so get ready to sign on the dotted line if a contract is in the works. If you’re a writer, you may solidify a relationship with a prominent agent or publisher, and the relationship will likely be long lasting. Believe in the power of your words, as Jupiter , the planet of good fortune, is now in your chart’s communication arena, and will give you the savvy of a first rate salesman. Don’t shy away from making a step toward a partnership with someone more powerful than you, as  he or she will likely bring out your best.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

All great composers of the past spent most of their time studying. Feeling alone won’t do the job. A man also needs technique. George Gershwin

You’ll be in the money if you’re willing to settle down and get to business. This shouldn’t be a problem for you, thanks to Pluto’s journey through your chart’s arena of selfless service. You’ll have the enthusiasm to get a project off the ground that could be quite lucrative. Follow your gut, but also be decisive and strategic when it comes to making a plan. Don’t take too long to get going though. Even if you don’t have all the pieces, go with what you do have. Chances are, a one valuable resource  will be more than enough.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

For suddenly, I saw you there, and through foggy London town, I saw The sun was shining everywhere… George Gershwin

It’s your time Virgo, as Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, will make sure of that. You don’t have to do everything right-just get moving and the rest will carry your forward, like a heavenly fragrance you can’t resist. Whether you know it or not, you’re about to blossom. Surround yourself with people who you admire, and truly believe in you, and you’ll bloom way beyond season. A little ego will do you no harm (as Virgo is naturally selfless). If you feel you deserve something in particular (recognition, compassion, freedom etc.) make it known. The bolder  you are, the brighter your next big opportunity will be.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

We’ve just been introduced, I do not know you well, but when the music started, something drew me to you side… Shall we Dance

A healing force will likely transform your relationship with your family, or someone very close to you. Pluto’s journey through your chart’s nadir is a tough journey- as it will force you to dive deep in places you may rather not go- (Libra is an air sign, after all). That said, if there’s unfinished business regarding your family, or a domestic matter, face it head on. If you get emotional about it, there’s likely a good reason, so you can give yourself a pass. Your intuition will be on the edge of genius, so if you encounter a circumstance that triggers a fear or gets you off balance, listen to your inner thoughts, and you’ll get the right answer.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

I frequently hear music in the heart of noise. George Gershwin

The more the merrier, as Jupiter’s dance with Pluto will expand your social circle. Your ideas will be put in the spot light, so if you’re in the corporate world, get ready to turn some heads. Scorpio is naturally attuned to power, and it’s likely your shrewd know how can connect you  with an organization, special group, or elite leader. When this happens, have your pitch down. You don’t have to make it short- just potent. If you’ve been vying for a leadership position on an exclusive committee, or board, speak the truth as you know it, and you’ll likely be voted in.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Things are looking up! I’ve been looking the landscape over, and it’s covered with a four leave clover…Crazy for you, Gershwin

A professional highlight is destined for you- no matter how big or small, you’ll be recognized for your commitment to your craft. Part of this will likely involve a new financial chapter, as Pluto, the planet of irreversible   change, is now in your chart’s arena of earned income. If you feel like you’re due for an enhanced lifestyle, a new title or position will likely answer your wish. From the way the planets look, you’re more than ready for a luxurious upgrade. If you find yourself in a situation you’ve never been in before, act as if you know exactly what to do, and you’ll discover a valuable, hidden talent.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

It’s always possible to create something original. George Gershwin

Business will not go on as usual for you, Capricorn, and this will be good thing. If there’s a citizenship matter, global venture,or academic aspiration in the works, expect a breakthrough. You’ve likely earned every bit of  your good fortune, but sometimes, for best results, even the hardest work requires a little luck from an outside source. Jupiter’s dance with Pluto, the planet of empowerment (now in Capricorn) will likely add just enough magic to wake up your guardian angel, and get her to work. Carry on as you have been. Stay diligent- but most of all, hopeful, as soon, you’ll reap the rewards of your unwavering faith.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

When I’m in my normal mood, music drips from my fingers. George Gershwin

The closer you get to someone who has a powerful influence on you, the more you’ll change for the better. Don’t be afraid to let this person in your private world, as you’ll likely discover he or she knows you better than you thought. It’s a wonderful feeling to know someone we trust knows our hidden side, and cherishes all of who we are. You’ll likely get this opportunity if you relax, and just let things be. If an business partnership, loan, or investment is in the works, the outcome will likely be positive, and its impact on your life will be substantial.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

True music must repeat the thought and inspirations of the people at the time.               George Gershwin

You have fans Pisces, and as Jupiter and Pluto join in sheer bliss, your followers will lift you to your rightful place.  A new place you can call your own will likely open up, via a new community, corporate partnership, or trusted colleague. If you’re involved in technology, social media, or the non-profit word, a new chapter of collaboration will likely foreshadow a mesmerizing scene that captures the power of innovation in action. If you’re concerned about competition, welcome it.  Your strongest supporters will gather by your side, and help you claim a victory that you’ll be destined to win.

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The Sun is Now in Gemini~

The Sun is now in Gemini- Time to Unite With Your Alter Ego~

Between two evils, I always pick the one I never  tried before.

Mae West


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Remembering Prince, Puer Aeternus

The Mysterious Gemini


I know (my?) heart is beating, my drummer tells me so
If U take your life 4 granted, your beating heart will go
So don’t sleep until you’re guilty, ‘cuz sinners all r we
There’s others doing far worse than us, so be glad that U r freeBe glad that U r free
Free 2 change your mind
Free 2 go most anywhere, anytime
Be glad that U r free
There’s many a man who’s not
Be glad 4 what U had baby, what you’ve got
Be glad 4 what you’ve got



 Gemini Sun, Scorpio Ascendant

Pisces Moon


A brilliant musician and performer, Prince will be greatly missed.  A powerhouse creative, he wrote and composed too many mesmerizing songs to note, and was always challenging himself artistically. From Purple Rain to Sign of the Times, to his latest experiments- (HITnRun Phase II),his imagination was always on the move, stretching the boundaries of musical possibility.

Not surprisingly, his Terpsichore was in Virgo, (a very balletic sign), as he was a true lover of dance. Shortly after Diamond’s and Pears was released,  after seeing the Joffrey Ballet, he was inspired to compose for  ballet, and ended up composing the music for “Billlboards”, one of the Joffrey Ballet’s  most memorable pieces. 

 His enthusiastic financial support of ballet should be well noted, as he made a generous donation to Harlem’s Uptown Dance Academy, a school that specializes in high quality ballet training for aspiring  African American ballerinas and danseurs. His collaboration with American Ballet Theater’s first African American principle dancer, Misty Copeland (a Virgo), also attest to his fascination with the ballerina mystique. 

He was a Gemini (a musical coat of many colors), with a Scorpio ascendant and Pisces moon.  Yes. Prince was deep. Let his music move us over and over again, as  the stars intended~