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New Moon In Leo~

New Moon in Leo

God’s finger never leaves the same fingerprint. Stanislaw Lee

You can expect the unexpected with the new moon in Leo, the sign of self expression, leadership, and celebration. Leo is also famously known as the sign of the heart, and as the new moon opposes Saturn, (the planet of responsibility) and points toward Uranus (the planet of surprise), it’s likely you’ll experience a change of heart that sets you in a new direction. 

Saturn’s influence will add weight and encourage you to think long term, even though you may not yet see the full picture of your situation or circumstance. The good news is Venus, the love planet, will be in harmony with Uranus, so it’s likely although a change of heart may make you feel out of step, if you can navigate the twists and turns, you’ll likely have a breakthrough. 

The new moon will peak on Sunday, August 8, and be active for the next two weeks.

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October Forecast for all Zodiac Signs

October Monthly Forecast

There is no end. There is no beginning. There is only the infinite passion of living.   Federico Fellini



The new moon in Libra will make October a standout month for 2016. With Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and good good fortune, so close to the new moon, new partnerships will carry great potential. Someone new who comes into your life may show you ways you can do more with less, as Libra is a savvy sign that knows how to make the most of those who are well informed, and connected. Relationships of all kinds will likely  feel renewed with optimism. Even if you experienced setbacks from the past, you’ll be inclined to make a fresh start, as the future will look brighter and motivate you to keep going. 

Mercury, the messenger planet, will unite with Jupiter on Monday, October 10, so good news will be on its way, especially for Virgo and Gemini. Virgo may receive a positive message about a holistic endeavor  or retreat, while Gemini may receive a special romantic invitation. If you’re single and have been of the social loop, this month will bode well for online dating, meetup groups, and networking, as it will be easy to make new people who you find appealing and ‘in the know’.

The full moon in Aries Saturday, October 15,  will be like a firecracker, so expect the unexpected, as you’ll likely need to make a swift turn at a moment’s notice. With Uranus, the planet of upheaval and excitement, tightly embraced with the full moon, who knows what may happen…but emotions will run high, as many people will likely be on edge. If you are an Aries born within 5 days of April 10, you’ll feel this full moon the most. Others who have planets near 23 degrees of Cancer, Capricorn, or Libra, will also feel the heat from this full moon. Whatever transpires, consider it a blessing, even if at the time you may feel crazed. Shakeups in life reveal our strength, and that’s what Aries is all about.

October concludes with a beautiful new moon in Scorpio, the day before Halloween. Water signs will likely be in romantic bliss- and for those who are unattached, you’ll  be extra magnetic. Mercury and Neptune (the planet of starry eyed bliss) will join together in Scorpio, (along with Terpsichore!!)  and will be very close to the full moon just a few degrees away- this spells magic. Whatever your dream may be, speak it, dance it, believe it, as the midnight sky will be a clean slate for a miracle.

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July Monthly Horoscope for all Zodiac Signs~

July Monthly Horoscope for all Zodiac Signs

                                           My hand trembles, but my heart does not.                                                 Stephan Hawkins, Rhode Island Delegate- Declaration of Independence

Cancer New Moon

The new moon in Cancer on July  4th, will definitely be a significant highlight for the month, especially for water signs.  Sirius, also known as the Dog Star, (one of the brightest stars in the Galaxy) between 13 and 14 degrees of the constellation of Cancer, will be joined at the hip with the new moon, in 12.54 degrees of Cancer, a most auspicious union.  You can google the royal star to learn more. You’ll likely be quite uplifted with what you find.  As the star of America (as it shares the constellation degree of America’s birthday), it symbolizes the true vision of America: strength, compassion, nurturance, and pride in freedom and equality.

As the year progresses, your emotional connection to your personal sense of freedom will be heightened. If you’re ‘not feeling it’, whether it be a relationship, job, business endeavor, or creative project, you’ll likely come to admit it, which will make it easier to shift directions. If you are feeling it, your enthusiasm will help you get the right person on your side. Either way, a pivotal experience will shed light on a direction you had not considered before. From there, you’ll have the chance to step in new territory you can call your own.

Although the influence of the New moon will last approximately two weeks, it will set the tone for a particular area of your life for the next twelve months.  All signs will benefit. When one part of life goes well, space opens for other areas that need more attention. Consider this new moon a diamond that must be polished to perfection, and the magic in your life will come alive.

New moon in Cancer: Conjunct Mercury and Venus, trine Neptune, sextile Jupiter, and opposite Pluto

 Emotional Intelligence at Full Play~


ARIES (March 21- April 19)

A new emotional chapter will set the tone for a more peaceful and grounded existence. Your parents will likely hit a tender spot for you, and moments with your family will likely be quite memorable. If a real estate venture is in the works, you may find your dream property in the most unexpected of ways. This new moon will be opposite Pluto (the planet of power), now at the peak of your chart, so a professional ambition may be pushing you to the edge. You’ll likely have to give way now to keep possibilities open for the future, as the forces at work will likely be beyond your control.  Those who have a wealth of experience can be invaluable in teaching you how to keep your emotions in check.


TAURUS (April 20 -May 20)

If you’ve had your eye on a new membership to an arts or cultural organization, now will be the time to sign up and get involved. Consider becoming a board member if you have the opportunity, as your ideas and knowledge will be likely become a great asset, moving forward. Let your social life take the lead, because new exciting people will naturally gravitate to you. Travel plans may get sticky if you’ve been planning for a vacation or business trip. A plan b may turn out to be the best plan after all. A clear compass of all your options will direct you to the quickest route to your final destination.


GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

Your career will be beautifully highlighted this month, and thankfully, a flow of money will come along for the ride. If you’re in an artistic field, it’s likely you’ll make a lucrative sale, sign with a reputable agent or manager, or find the prefect venue to showcase your work. Know the value of your talent, and you’ll widen your prospects.  Prudence will serve you well when it comes to your credit, an hefty investment, or loan. You may have to rethink a business strategy, and if you do, better to do it now than later. Stay focused on saving, and you’ll set yourself up for long term success.


CANCER (June 22-July 22)

It’s all about you now Cancer. Do it your way, even if others don’t get it. What will matter most is that you are at peace with yourself. This means you may have to become more risk oriented and step out of your comfort zone. After all, no matter how big your heart is, you can’t always please everyone. What are you willing to sacrifice for? What desire has been lying behind your heart, that you feel you need to release and set free? Make this desire your priority- eat, sleep, dream, and live it, and sooner than later, your persistence will open a new space for you. You can be anything you want. You’ll just have to be ready to take that first step into the unknown.   


LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

A dream will come alive with this new moon. It may involve music, art, a holistic endeavor, or spiritual mission. Whatever it may be, it will motivate you to find the resources you need to materialize your vision. Whether this involves a new partnership with a consultant, financier, or maverick, you’ll likely be pulled by an inner voice whose whisper will grow as loud as thunder. Do your best to stay well rested and alert, as this new moon will oppose Pluto, the planet of survival (now in your chart’s arena of well -being). Honor the relationship between your consciousness and you physical body. Listen to both, as your awareness will  be your greatest source of compassion and strength.


VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You’ll stand out in the best of ways, so if someone influential is on your contact list, prepare to make a move. A simple, gracious approach will likely get you the attention you desire, so try not to overthink things. The new moon’s beautiful alignment with Neptune, the planet of compassion, (now in your chart’s partnership arena) suggests you’ll be seen for the truth of you who are. No matter convoluted your situation may be, the rest will likely fall into perfect place, and no one appreciates perfection like Virgo! If you’re in finance, are an artist, or wanting to a have a child, this new moon will test your faith. Keep the big picture of your goal in clear focus, as this will likely lead to a creative solution that will work.


LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Your days will be filled with aliveness and passion for your work, which will make it all the easier to make a great impression on a VIP. Holistic healing, spirituality, and an appreciation for a healthy life style will likely inspire your next big ambition. If you are in medicine, fitness, or metaphysics, your career will likely reach a milestone as the influence of your work expands, and breaks traditional boundaries. If a personal matter has yet to be resolved (a family or domestic matter), the harder you try to get your way, the more frustrated you may feel. Let things be, and as time goes on, you’ll adjust accordingly, as you keep your integrity intact.


SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

A new, higher way of thinking can have the power to transform your life, if you dare to take yourself more seriously than anyone else. Have pride in being your own judge, and you’ll likely grow accustomed to placing your highest value in the forefront of your life-consciously.  Your creative ability will blossom if you do this-as there’s likely a fresh concept, philosophy, or perspective that’s waiting to be released from you. The more you remind yourself of your immortality, the faster you’ll progress. A strong opinion or belief may hold you back if you’re not willing to see another way…let the intensity inside your mind dissipate, and you’ll make a break through. How do you do this? With courage, faith, and a respect for the power of logic.


SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Although prestige is often over rated, for you, it will be as valuable as a rare diamond. The pressure may be on for you to perform, but the great thing is you’ll likely be more than prepared for excellence. Draw on the expertise of someone you know well, who you can trust, and you get an inside view of smart politics at work. Your cash flow will likely require you to stay on your toes, as the moon will oppose Pluto, the planet of empowerment (now in your chart’s arena of earned income). If you decided to take out a loan, make an investment, or increase your line of credit, do so with an utmost awareness that will require you remain completely accountable. Your business acumen will be strengthened if you roll with the punches, and stay laser focused on what you want.


CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

It may be time to pop the question, say yes, or at the very least, have a heart to heart conversation, as this brilliant new moon will illuminate your complimentary sign, Cancer. If you have a close relationship with a Cancer, you can expect that relationship to enter a new chapter, wherein openness, honesty, and inner thoughts will the main themes. You’ll likely find it easier to reveal your true feelings, as your sweetheart, or partner will be compassionate, and truly be interested in what you’re going through. Since Pluto, the power planet (now in Capricorn) will be challenged by the new moon, at times you may feel invaded, or vulnerable. Know that you can protect o yourself and still remain emotionally accessible, and you’ll strike the right balance between receptivity and self-containment.


AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

If a new position or job interests you, this new moon will bring things to ahead. Soon, you’ll likely be doing what you love, and making money at it! If it sounds too good to be true, put the voice of your inner critic on mute, as just a brief review of your current circumstances will reveal the truth. With Neptune in positive alignment with this new moon, it’s likely your personal aesthetic, style, or artistry can be a lucrative selling point. Keep working on your craft, and your marketability will become evident. At times you may wonder if you’re in ‘the right place’, and feel the hand of self doubt knocking on the back door of your consciousness. Take time to sort all this out with a close friend, counselor, or holistic practitioner, and the guidance you receive will revive you to the core.


PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Love will be in the air all year for you Pisces, and it won’t take long to get used to the new atmosphere. If you’re single, keep your hopes high, as this new moon will be brilliant for awakening your heart. If you want to have a child, your wish will likely be granted, as it looks like now is the right time for your life to expand in a very special way. Dare to dream bigger than you ever have before, and you’ll stir up all the creative energy that has been hibernating within you. Try not to get distracted by the uncertainty of the future. Instead, pull yourself more deeply into to the now, and before you know it, although your final destination may not be entirely clear, you’ll know for certain that you’re on the right path.

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A Solar Eclipse in Pisces~

A Pisces Solar Eclipse Paves the Way for 2016~

Solar Eclipse in Pisces


Today hosts the first Solar Eclipse of 2016, in the zodiac’s last sign, Pisces. An interesting mix, as this suggests a new beginning with a tone of finality, like a new chapter that begins with a memory, flashback, or foreshadowing of what’s to come. Intuition is what Pisces is all about, and it’s often said that what will be in the future has already been laid out by a string of thoughts, ideas, and quiet longings that have slowly been gathering, to create momentum.

Consider this idea as you move ahead in a particular area of your life, and you  may be surprised to realize how well the route has been laid out to your new destination. If you don’t see a route however, you’ll likely need to take a detour, and this is largely what Solar Eclipses are all about-fresh starts.  It’s  kind of like that moment in Flash Dance , when audition time has come, and the music plays- but the steps aren’t quite polished… something is off.

Nothing wrong with that, however! She (actress Jennifer Beals), just asks if she can start over,  and from there on, it’s magic. She’s in control, yet totally free. I think this shows the beauty of timing. There are times when we need to start over, and if you truly feel you need a re-start- if you ask God, your higher power, or whatever you believe in, (Pisces is a highly spiritual sign), to start again, chances are excellent that you’ll get another chance, and this time- you’ll nail it.

More on that to come, as there are some other planetary alignments that will require you to carefully strategize. Until then,  here’s s a snap shot of what changes this eclipse will bring for you in the next several months. Pisces is gentle energy, but it also runs deep~

ARIES (March 21- April 19)

A new beginning for your life dream, a spiritual journey, or healing experience will likely be inevitable,  for you to be your best~

TAURUS (April 20 -May 20)

You’ll be revived by a new friendship, spiritual community, or philanthropic pursuit, which will likely change your outlook on the future~

 GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

Your public persona will become magnified- how do you want to be seen? Clarify that vision!

CANCER (June 22-July 22)

What do you most believe in? A spiritual review will likely lead you back on course, and to a personal breakthrough~

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Vulnerability will be the main theme in an intimate relationship. Your sensitivity will grant you power to make things right.

 VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Do you feel need support? You can get someone special to be on the same page with you-once you embrace your humility, and reach out~

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Infuse your lifestyle with things that nurture your soul, and life will feel so much easier! You can find a new way to solve an old problem~

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Harness your creativity, as this will unlock the power of your self expression, and give you a deeper sense of purpose.

 SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Look inside yourself for an answer you’ve been avoiding, or uncertain of, and you’ll likely clear emotional debris from a long standing obstacle-soon which may be no longer~

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Remember that it’s okay to change your mind- especially if you’re certain of  what lies in your heart~

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Challenge yourself to develop a new value that reflects your  higher, idealized self. This will likely carry the fuel that will jumpstart and redirect your life~

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Well- it’s all about you. That being said, you may realize you’ve become someone other than you thought. The depth of your life purpose is on the horizon~

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New Moon in Cancer, a New Beginning for July~

New Moon in Cancer


As the New Moon enters Cancer, emotions will run front and center. Believe in what you feel, even if you’d rather feel something else. Notice, if you steer toward rationalizing a circumstance, thought, or action- as your initial gut reaction is likely right on target.  Our expectations cannot always be met by those who matter most to us, but with self compassion, we can rise above the shortcomings of others~ 

lifted arabesque (2)

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Weekly Horoscope for Decemeber 2, 2013, New Moon in Sagittarius

Weekly Horoscope for December 2, 2013

New Moon in Sagittarius


Faith Begets Generosity of Spirit

New Moonn in Sagittarius

Today the new moon enters the most optimistic sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius.  You can use the this new moon energy in the upcoming two weeks to charge ahead with anything that will bring you closer to your true potential. This new moon will tease your gut into telling you ‘you can do it’.  No matter how grand your vision, it can be made real, but you must adhere to the Sagittarius virtue: FAITH.  Truly believe, and watch this new Moon work its magic for you!


Travel, academia, and philosophy will bring you blessings, if you stay committed.


Take that special step that will allow you to gain deeper trust with someone close to you.


Just be yourself, and your supporters will guide you to your rightful place.


Hit the gym and get your beauty rest to get a head start for an unforgettable New Year.


All you need is love, Leo, so if you’re single, don’t delay and find someone special to share the New Year with.


Tend to your home, and bless everything in it to recharge your emotional batteries.


Make the extra effort to be completely honest in all your verbal and written agreements, and make your holiday cards extra special.


Shift  your money-making plans into fifth gear now if you want to cruise to material abundance for the New Year.


Your wish is the universe’s command!  Make sure you choose a good one, and be willing to cooperate to make your dream a reality.


Choose the one thing you need the grace of God to help you with, and you will be indeed find solace.


Go for the gold with your big vision now, because you will set the tone for your luck in 2014!


Your reputation is on the rise. If you want more, set your goal and commit 100%, and you may be rewarded ten fold in the New Year~

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New Moon in Capricorn Reading for all Signs of the Zodiac~

Capricorn New Moon

 Step into the Light!

Make That First Step!

Make That First Step!

Now that the New Moon is in Capricorn, it’s a beautiful time to begin new projects with a sense

of  unwavering commitment.


Your destiny is in your hands. Show the big shots you mean business!


Commit to your faith. It can pull you through and open up a whole new world of optimism for 2013!


Take control of financial partnerships. Get your financial goals clear.


Be open to partnership, especially in business. Look out for supporters because they can pave the way for your professional  journey!


Commit to getting in shape and improving your health! You’ll be extra vitalized!


It’s a delicious time for romantic commitment, if that’s on the menu~


Commit to your home and family. They need your attention and care!


It’s a great time for completing short term-writing projects- don’t delay the pen to paper!


Time to get serious about making more money! It’s waiting for you!


Make a wish! As long as it’s genuine, it’s bound to come true!


Commit to taking some peaceful time out just for yourself.  You deserve it. Being alone grounds you now.


Important people can guide you in the right direction, but you have to be out and about!

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Hillary Clinton’s 64th Birthday & The Scorpio New Moon, October 26th, 2011



Hillary Clinton, Scorpio Sun

Today the moon takes its first step on the dark, captivating stage of Scorpio.  It happens to be Hillary Rodam’s Clinton’s birthday today as well. As Secretary of State, I think this new moon would grant her extra power and  intuition. Keeping important information undercover while strategizing every single political move, should come naturally to her this year. The Sabian Symbol for this new moon is ‘A House Raising’, suggesting power through community. So, although I’m not very political, I was intrigued and decided to see what Hillary’s been up to.  Check out this link for a taste of this Scorpio New Moon energy in action!

I wonder if  America’s efforts in building a  virtual embassy website for Iran will in fact  help broaden contacts with regular Iranians…?  After all, this Sabian Symbol is all about bringing people together to work for  a higher cause.  I’m not sure I can picture it.  When I a saw this clip from Harrison Ford’s Witness,  it helped…Scorpio’s  passion and inspiration  go a long way~