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New Moon In Leo~

New Moon in Leo

God’s finger never leaves the same fingerprint. Stanislaw Lee

You can expect the unexpected with the new moon in Leo, the sign of self expression, leadership, and celebration. Leo is also famously known as the sign of the heart, and as the new moon opposes Saturn, (the planet of responsibility) and points toward Uranus (the planet of surprise), it’s likely you’ll experience a change of heart that sets you in a new direction. 

Saturn’s influence will add weight and encourage you to think long term, even though you may not yet see the full picture of your situation or circumstance. The good news is Venus, the love planet, will be in harmony with Uranus, so it’s likely although a change of heart may make you feel out of step, if you can navigate the twists and turns, you’ll likely have a breakthrough. 

The new moon will peak on Sunday, August 8, and be active for the next two weeks.

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Luckiest Day of The Year!

Luckiest Day of the Year!

Sun in Leo trine Jupiter in Sagittarius


I think of myself as a highly sexual creature. Charleze Theron- Leo

Tamara Rojo como Isadora

That’s right. Today, August 7, is the luckiest day of the year. This most auspicious day occurs once every year and what’s special about this year is that both planets are in their most dignified signs. The Sun’s power is unmistakably glorious in Leo while Jupiter is at home in Sagittarius, the zodiac’s most optimistic sign. Fire signs will especially benefit from this rare alignment, and if your birthday happens to be today, on August 7  (plus or minus 3 days) you’ll likely hit the jackpot! So make sure your birthday wish is extra special!



Trump’s Most Dramatic Chapter, a Lunar Eclipse in Leo

Lunar Eclipse in Leo

Sometimes by loosing the battle you find a new way to win the war.

Donald Trump

Huubard Street Dance

Pacapepepluto, Alejandro Cerruto

The Lunar eclipse at 0 degrees of Leo will peak at on Sunday, January 20, 9:16 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, and will leave an impact for several months to come. If you have a planet within 5 degrees of 0’Leo in your natal or progressed chart, you will especially feel the effect- as a particular relationship, situation, or dilemma will reach  a culmination, or ending.

US. President Donald Trump will have this Eclipse falling at the cusp of his birth chart’s 12th house (arena or secret enemies, self  undoing, and deep intuition)  as well as close to the  Midheaven (the pinnacle of the chart where one’s public image most is exposed) of his progressed birth chart. Coming events will likely require significant adjustments and will likely be dramatic, due to the Leo influence.

As for you,  notice if you feel  it’s time to let something go. It may be a relationship, possession, attitude, or emotion. On the other hand, if you’re involved in a creative pursuit, hot romance, or are hoping for a child, you soon may  be celebrating!  Lunar eclipses often bring the cycle of creation to a close, and since this eclipse is in Fiery Leo,  if you feel a bit dramatic, you can blame it on the moon.

If you’d like to know where exactly this eclipse will hit your chart and how your life will be impacted, you can contact me at  for a custom Lunar Eclipse reading.

Shine Your Light~



Leo Inspiration from Maya Angelou~

A Dancestrology Dance Video



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The Sun’s visit to Leo~

The Sun is now in Leo!

Leo Sun, 2018


The Sun will be in its natural dignity as it enters Leo, to last until Wednesday, August 22. Leo, the sign of creative expression, loyalty, and leadership is ruled by the Sun, the galaxy’s brightest star, giving you a unique opportunity to shine and release the part of you that longs for recognition. While Cancer, the preceding sign is emotional and internal, Leo is light hearted and extroverted. Keep this in mind when encountering a situation that requires you to act with confidence, for this is what Leo does best!


ARIES (March 21- April 19)

Parties and other social festivities will keep you feeling fresh and up to date. You’ll have extra sex- appeal, so take advantage and take the stage whenever possible. If you’re an actor or other performing artist, now is the time to get yourself seen, as your talent will make you stand out. If you’re currently not involved in a project, create one; a showcase, script-reading, screening, or other self-produced event will likely be a fabulous way to build creative momentum.


TAURUS (April 20 -May 20)

Throw a dinner party with an exclusive invitation list, and you’ll shine light on your most cherished relationships. Give your living space a lift with a new look that brings in as much Sun as possible, as this will lift your mood and keep you in good spirits. Throw a game night if you need some new company, as you’ll likely come out a winner in more ways than one! If you have children in your life, extra play time will add sunshine to your life as you experience the joy of childhood.


GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

Creative writing will bring out the best in you, so if an idea for a short story of poem comes to you, put pen to paper (or your fingers to your i-pad), and you’ll be on a roll. Take a master class from great story tellers such as Judy Blume, Shonda Rhymes, or indulge in a little Shakespeare, and you’ll set your imagination to new heights. If you’re in sales (a most people are in one way or another) you’ll have impressive powers of persuasion. Hold true to your strongest opinion, observation, or analysis and your confidence will soar.


CANCER (June 22-July 22)

Put the spotlight on your talent and what makes you unique, as this will likely lead to a new money making opportunity. What are you really good at Cancer? You’ll benefit from giving this serious thought, especially if you’re an aspiring entrepreneur. An updated wardrobe, new hair style, or new piece of furniture will add a touch of luxury to your life to help you feel like the extra special person you are. This is the time to treat yourself, and uphold the value of your natural talent.


 LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Whatever you dare to do or be, now is the time to step into the spotlight and make it happen. With the galaxy’s brightest star (the Sun) shining in its natural sign of Leo, you’ll have the vitality to set a new personal best. Leo is a sign of fixed, fiery energy, so when you put your mind to going for what you want, it’s over…the gold medal is practically in your hands! Enter a triathlon and unleash the warrior within, open your heart of hearts to someone special, or make a surprise appearance, and you’ll shine.


VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Dream a little dream and before long it will likely become a grand inspiration, so pay attention to the quiet voice within, and the images that linger with you after you awake. As the Sun enters Leo your chart’s most mystical arena will ignite, known in astrology as the twelfth house. The twelfth house is like the gate way between reality and other dimensions that are felt but not seen. Your greatest power will come from your intuition and gut instinct- if it feels right, it will likely feel very right. Follow your inner compass and you’ll likely land exactly where you need to be.


LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Step into the crowd and become part of a vision or cause that’s bigger than you, and you’ll find new inspiration to propel you forward toward a long term goal. You’ll have a way with people now, and can get the attention of a VIP if you develop a full proof strategy and stick with it. If your best friend or closest colleague invites you to an exclusive party or public event, by all means go because you’ll likely make an important connection. Be mindful that a modest introduction may in fact turn out to be a real game changer down the road, as someone who can pull a lot of strings may initially test your true intentions with a very low key persona.


SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Now the Sun (the solar system’s brightest star) is at the pinnacle of your chart, and will put your greatest ambition in the spotlight. If you’re in transition and looking for a bigger and better opportunity, have courage to take a risk and let others know where you’re headed because your confidence will be contagious. Look for an opportunity to showcase what you do. A symposium, conference, or expo will likely give you a fabulous platform to shine will also attracting a quality opportunity. Above all, know that you are a natural leader. Once you relax into this wisdom, you’ll allow the flow of success to flow through you.


SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Leo, like Sagittarius, is also a fire sign, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself feeling more like your usual optimistic self. Travel as much as you can, as meeting new people and having new life experiences will help you gain perspective and realize what’s really important in your life. If a citizenship matter or global pursuit is on your agenda, rest assured that justice will prevail. Have faith that the best outcome is within your reach, as this will make it easier to attract the help you’ll need to successfully reach your final destination. Self-promotion is well starred for you now, so if you have a service or product that needs exposure, put yourself out there, and you’ll blossom like a sunflower.


CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Your ability to let go of what you no longer need will release you from an unconscious fear and free you to pave a new direction. Someone close to you will likely give you a new awareness about a lingering burden or responsibility- so if you feel yourself resisting, ironically, it will likely be a good sign. Now is also a wonderful time to examine your relationship with money, as this will likely lead you to psychological breakthrough that will release a chain reaction of positive change and personal development.


AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

The spotlight will shine on your most important relationship as the Sun shines in your complementary sign of Leo. This doesn’t mean you won’t get your fair share of attention, on the contrary. Your best friend, sweetheart, father, or loyal confidant will likely give you a push when you most need it, which will likely lead you exactly where you need to be headed. This is a time to pay attention to the advice you receive, for it will likely contain a beautiful kernel of wisdom that will help you become a better partner.


PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Give a helping hand whenever you get the opportunity Pisces, and in turn you’ll likely breathe life into an untapped talent or skill. Listen carefully to a complement you receive from your co-worker, assistant, or someone who offers a specialized service to you, as he or she will likely hit the mark. The Sun’s journey through Leo will encourage you to simplify your life and find a way to do good in the world. In order to do this effectively however, you’ll likely need to give your well-being extra attention. Consider a personal trainer or nutritionist to help you get on the right track, as expert assistance will help your reach your personal best.


Famous Leos

Jennifer Lopez, Allegra Kent, Madonna, Barack Obama, Patrick Swayze, Robert Mueller

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Great American Total Solar Eclipse 2017


Total Solar Eclipse in Leo

All conquests are born when we dare to begin. Anonymous


Great American Eclipse

Beautiful Silhouette by Richard Calmes


The total solar eclipse in 28 degrees of Leo will be exact on Monday, August 21, at 2: 30 p.m. EST. Positive new beginnings can be expected no matter what sign you are, but fire signs will benefit most, due the grand fire trine (a most auspicious alignment of 120 degrees) between the new moon in Leo (i.e. the eclipse), Saturn at 21 degrees Sagittarius, and Uranus at 28 degrees Aries (retrograde until January 3, 2018).

What makes this eclipse even more special is its tight proximity to Regulus, a spectacularly bright  star in the heart of the Lion, for the constellation of Leo,  at 29 degrees. This star is known to bring good fortune, and is prominent in the charts of many celebrated actors, politicians, as well as royalty, and well known historical figures.

One thing for sure is change is on its way! Ready or not! Saturn’s influence will likely add a sobering effect, as Saturn in the planet of stability and longevity. Sagittarian’s will likely feel this influence the most, since Saturn is now in their sign. But that won’t be the whole picture- as Uranus known for bringing the unexpected and shaking things up. Get ready to venture in new territory that feels a little rocky- after a month or so, you’ll likely gain foresight and balance to help you ground yourself as you master your footing.


Meanwhile, why not set the tone from the very beginning and create your own dance?! Terpsichore is in Sagittarius, the sign of adventure and travel- so wherever you are, show your moves!

If you’re in Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, or the Carolinas, you’ll likely have a spectacular view!!

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Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius~

An Aquarius Lunar Eclipse

Look before you leap. Anonymous

Aquarius Lunar Eclipse

The Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius will leave you feeling optimistic and energized, which will set a positive tone for the entire month of August. The opposition to Mars, however ( the planet of aggression), suggests you’ll have to fight for your unique vision in regards to a future goal, and it might be difficult to convince a VIP to see things your way. Still, the overall impact will be a good one, thanks to the moon’s beautiful alignment with Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, now in Libra, the sign of partnership. A significant relationship will be in the spotlight. Full moons bring awareness, and a lunar eclipse has three to four times the impact of a full moon. Your intuition will be strong now, especially if you’re an Aquarius,- so trust your feelings.  With a touch of social finesse, you can make a significant gain via a connection with someone in the know. A legal matter, intellectual endeavor, media pursuit, or business opportunity will can be finalized now, and the results will likely make you very happy (as that’s Jupiter’s job)!


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The Sun is in Leo!

The Sun is in Leo!

I don’t sing a song unless I feel it. The song don’t tug at my heart, I pass on it. I have to believe in what I’m doing. Anonymous

Sun in Leo

 The Sun is beautifully placed in Leo, its home sign, and wherever the Sun is placed in your chart, you will naturally shine. This is the area of life where you will be most uninhibited- where you can easily access your creative powers. Leo is the sign of the performer, and to truly perform, you must to take a risk as you ‘put yourself out there’, and give your best.

Famous Leos: Jennifer Lopez, Madonna, Tom Brady, Barack Obama

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The Sun is in Leo~


God’s finger never leaves the same footprint.   Stanislaw Lec


Famous Leo Dancers and Terpsichorians

Suzanne Farrell, Jennifer Lopez, Barack Obama


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December Horoscope, 2015

December Forecast For All Signs of the Zodiac

You gotta love livin’, baby, ’cause dyin’ is a pain in the ass.

 Frank Sinatra (Sagittarian)


December brings a new moon in Sagittarius on December 11, and a full moon in Cancer on Christmas Day. Warmth with family, friends, and loved ones will open your heart if you give in to spontaneity, and meet each day with an adventurous spirit.


 Make up with a family member if you can, you’ll feel all the brighter for it.


 Reach out to a loved one who has a special place in your heart, as he or she may need encouragement.


Give in to your craving for luxury, and you’ll awaken a new love for sophistication.


 If you can imagine it, you can make it real, so let your inspiration lead you.


Go out of your way to be a true friend, and life will feel fresh with new possibility.


Take the lead with a sexy ambition, and you’ll cast a spell on just the right person.


Book your ticket for somewhere special far and away, and life will take on a new meaning.


 It’s your month! Do it your way, and the rest will fall into place.


Someone close to you will likely trigger your sensitive side. Be gracious, and let them in.


Nurture your health and well-being, and you’ll likely be grateful for your newfound vitality.


Take time to play, laugh sing, dance,and live…and the joy you bring will make the best of memories.


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