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Great American Total Solar Eclipse 2017


Total Solar Eclipse in Leo

All conquests are born when we dare to begin. Anonymous


Great American Eclipse

Beautiful Silhouette by Richard Calmes


The total solar eclipse in 28 degrees of Leo will be exact on Monday, August 21, at 2: 30 p.m. EST. Positive new beginnings can be expected no matter what sign you are, but fire signs will benefit most, due the grand fire trine (a most auspicious alignment of 120 degrees) between the new moon in Leo (i.e. the eclipse), Saturn at 21 degrees Sagittarius, and Uranus at 28 degrees Aries (retrograde until January 3, 2018).

What makes this eclipse even more special is its tight proximity to Regulus, a spectacularly bright  star in the heart of the Lion, for the constellation of Leo,  at 29 degrees. This star is known to bring good fortune, and is prominent in the charts of many celebrated actors, politicians, as well as royalty, and well known historical figures.

One thing for sure is change is on its way! Ready or not! Saturn’s influence will likely add a sobering effect, as Saturn in the planet of stability and longevity. Sagittarian’s will likely feel this influence the most, since Saturn is now in their sign. But that won’t be the whole picture- as Uranus known for bringing the unexpected and shaking things up. Get ready to venture in new territory that feels a little rocky- after a month or so, you’ll likely gain foresight and balance to help you ground yourself as you master your footing.


Meanwhile, why not set the tone from the very beginning and create your own dance?! Terpsichore is in Sagittarius, the sign of adventure and travel- so wherever you are, show your moves!

If you’re in Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, or the Carolinas, you’ll likely have a spectacular view!!

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