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December Forecast

December Forecast

We make our own fortune and call it destiny, Benjamin Disraeli

December 2020 kicks off the heels of the Gemini Lunar Eclipse on November 30. Supressed thoughts may come to surface and catch you a bit by surprise. Since Gemini is the zodiac’s most dualistic sign, it would be expected to feel as though your mind is playing tricks on you if you’re normally level headed. If not, you’ll likely feel in your element and may even have a creative breakthrough. The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius in mid December (December 14 to be exact) looks like an absolute stand out for 2020. Think big. Jump into action. The universe will catch you if you dare to fly.

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Solar Eclipse in Cancer- A New Emotional Journey

Solar Eclipse in Cancer

A New Emotional Journey

Solar Eclipse in Cancer July 12, 2018

Follow the gleam. Alferd Lord Tennyson


July’s solar eclipse in Cancer takes place on July 12, 10:48 p.m. EST, and will usher in new opportunities, changes, and fresh starts that will set the stage for 2019. Solar eclipses are all about new life chapters and will open a window of opportunity for you to leave behind what’s not working and start with a clean slate.

This particular eclipse is a Partial Eclipse, and although on the one hand is fairly common, will have special significance because of its direct opposition to Pluto, the farthest (yet arguably most potent) planet from the earth. In mythology Pluto is God of the Underworld, a tyrant who has the power to entrap and seduce to ensure he gets his way, at all costs. Those who have Pluto predominate in their chart often carry a ruthless, power driven edge that unleashes their deepest fears and desires, for better or worse.

Now in Capricorn, an earth sign that symbolizes structure, resilience, and material achievement, Pluto’s influence will encourage you to find the deepest cracks of your life so they can be permanently sealed. If you have Cancer or Capricorn strong in your chart, you will feel the effect of this eclipse most strongly, although all signs will experience a noticeable shift in a particular area of life.


ARIES (March 21- April 19)

A relocation, estate, or family concern will require you to keep your emotions in check and take on a higher leadership role. If something in your personal life is keeping you off balance, squarely address it, and new energy will open for you to strive for a professional milestone.

TAURUS (April 20 -May 20)

Justice will shine through with a legal settlement, sibling, global pursuit, or negotiation, but you’ll need to hold on to your moral compass and trust that you have the strength to do the right thing. Know your rights, but also have respect for policies in place, and you’ll earn new found respect.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

Trust that your money will work for you once you decide on who or what entity to partner with. Have a strong hold on what belongs to you, yet the wisdom to let go of what you longer need, and you’ll create a new opportunity for long term wealth.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)

Fundamental changes you’ve almost given up on will start to give way, but you’ll need to have the courage to change your perspective and trust that what comes your way is absolutely meant for you. Discern your instinct from your ego, and your humility will bless you with unprecedented power.


LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Listen to your body, as this will help you create balance where you most need it. A new way of life that honors your inner self will ironically increase your productivity and ultimately make you a force of nature. First however, you’ll need to succumb to the fragility of your human nature.


VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Virgo isn’t much for crowds, but this solar eclipse will encourage you to spread your wings and break free from your own inhibition. Take the lead, extend an invitation, throw a party, let others know how much you want to give, and slowly but surely, your creative spirit will blossom.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Give all yourself when helping others, and although at times you may feel unseen, your efforts will yield long lasting results that will awaken your life purpose and lay the foundation for your legacy. Know in your heart that you already have within you what you want to be; the rest is divine timing.


SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Dare yourself to think bigger than you ever have, and you’ll find a nugget of truth that will set the Jeanie out of the bottle. Test your logic against your faith, Scorpio, and in that space you’ll discover a secret wish that belongs only to you. In this wish lies the spark of your highest spiritual quest.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Now is the time to face your private fears about not having or being enough so you can embark on new terrain. Dive deep into the waters of vulnerability, and even if you cannot swim, trust that you will be rescued. Your talent is like gold; respect its value and prosperity will follow you, in devotion.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Unpeel the layers of your closest relationship, and you’ll likely realize you and your partner are more deeply entwined than you could ever imagine. Accept any insecurity you may feel as a gift, and you’ll create a healing space of fertile soil which can give way to eternal roots for your deepest union.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

A new feeling of vitality, focus, and innocence is possible for you, but you’ll need to face your demons before you see the light of where you’re truly headed. What seems like a detour will likely turn out to be a blessing in disguise, and the stronger your self-knowledge, the faster you’ll find the right path.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Invite love into your heart Pisces, as this will give you the power to change your future for the better, and steer your ship against the fiercest winds. Your child, sweetheart, or creative passion holds the key to an expanded vision for your life. Honor this fact, and you’ll see a whole new world that’s held in place by your biggest dream.


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Great American Total Solar Eclipse 2017


Total Solar Eclipse in Leo

All conquests are born when we dare to begin. Anonymous


Great American Eclipse

Beautiful Silhouette by Richard Calmes


The total solar eclipse in 28 degrees of Leo will be exact on Monday, August 21, at 2: 30 p.m. EST. Positive new beginnings can be expected no matter what sign you are, but fire signs will benefit most, due the grand fire trine (a most auspicious alignment of 120 degrees) between the new moon in Leo (i.e. the eclipse), Saturn at 21 degrees Sagittarius, and Uranus at 28 degrees Aries (retrograde until January 3, 2018).

What makes this eclipse even more special is its tight proximity to Regulus, a spectacularly bright  star in the heart of the Lion, for the constellation of Leo,  at 29 degrees. This star is known to bring good fortune, and is prominent in the charts of many celebrated actors, politicians, as well as royalty, and well known historical figures.

One thing for sure is change is on its way! Ready or not! Saturn’s influence will likely add a sobering effect, as Saturn in the planet of stability and longevity. Sagittarian’s will likely feel this influence the most, since Saturn is now in their sign. But that won’t be the whole picture- as Uranus known for bringing the unexpected and shaking things up. Get ready to venture in new territory that feels a little rocky- after a month or so, you’ll likely gain foresight and balance to help you ground yourself as you master your footing.


Meanwhile, why not set the tone from the very beginning and create your own dance?! Terpsichore is in Sagittarius, the sign of adventure and travel- so wherever you are, show your moves!

If you’re in Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, or the Carolinas, you’ll likely have a spectacular view!!

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