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New Moon in Virgo

New Moon in Virgo

When you can’t have what you choose, you just choose what you have. Owen Wister

September 17, 2020 The New Moon Enters Virgo

The New Moon in Virgo emphasizes selfless service, pure intentions and mental clarity. Quiet your mind, and you’ll likely open up just enough space to give you a clear answer on what you need to do next. As the zodiac’s most methodical sign, Virgo likens to the here and now. Embrace the moment, and you will ground yourself.

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Happy New Year! It’s 2020!!

                      HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Yearly Forecast for 2020

Saturn Meets Pluto in Capricorn

A Cosmic Executive Meeting

Like all dreamers, I mistook disenchantment for truth. Jean- Paul Sarte


Image result for Dance Duet  Photos

2020 begins with a powerful and rare meeting between Saturn and Pluto, both now in Capricorn, the zodiac’s most conservative sign. Think of this cosmic occurrence as  a high profile meeting in which both parties will need to come to a final agreement about a momentous executive decision. This decision will create a foundation for the next decade (and maybe even longer). As a result, there is a feeling of heaviness that can not be ignored, only embraced. 

So, if the New Year feels unusually somber, serious, or even dire, you’re likely receiving a crystal clear connection from the planets! It’s likely a situation has been gradually building up for the past several months, directly  heading toward an inevitable climax that will leave a lasting mark on not only on this year but your next life chapter. This is most transparent in the current political landscape in the U.S. and many other places world wide, but what’s important for you to realize is that you too, as an individual are indeed part of the big world scheme currently at play.

You have a specific role to play, and it’s crucial that you abide to this in a way that will empower you. Depending on how well equipped you are, you may even have the rare opportunity for your life to be transformed (for the better of course) and to start anew from an unprecedented place of instinct, resilience, and fortitude, where there will be no turning back.

As the planet of society’s expectations and civic responsibility, Saturn wants you to commit to a particular role, title, or purpose that will have a large scale impact.  No matter where you live, or how you see yourself- Saturn will call on you to realize how important and relevant you are as an individual, which will encourage you to take a higher level of responsibility in  a particular area of your life. 

Pluto, on the other hand, loves to tear things down and get to the very core of the matter. This bodes well if you have a long standing pattern that has not been serving you. Pluto will pull at your inner critic, your ‘lesser self’, and the shards of your ego that lead you in circles without understanding why, particularly with power plays that involve sex, money, and control. 

Once the cosmos brings Saturn and Pluto together, the air can weigh so heavy that you may find it hard to breathe. But breathe you must, as you are human, and however fragile you may feel, these planets will bring you face to face with  strength you didn’t know you had. 

Want to find out more about how Saturn’s Meeting with Pluto will affect you personally?

Send your request for a private reading at

Blessings for 2020 and Beyond!

Joey Lorraine





It’s November!

It’s November!

Surviving The New Moon in Scorpio and Mercury Retrograde

October’s New Moon in Scorpio will travel into November and require you to be on your toes without going over the edge!


In order the find the edge, you must risk going over the edge! Dennis Dugan 



Solar Eclipse in Cancer- A New Emotional Journey

Solar Eclipse in Cancer

A New Emotional Journey

Solar Eclipse in Cancer July 12, 2018

Follow the gleam. Alferd Lord Tennyson


July’s solar eclipse in Cancer takes place on July 12, 10:48 p.m. EST, and will usher in new opportunities, changes, and fresh starts that will set the stage for 2019. Solar eclipses are all about new life chapters and will open a window of opportunity for you to leave behind what’s not working and start with a clean slate.

This particular eclipse is a Partial Eclipse, and although on the one hand is fairly common, will have special significance because of its direct opposition to Pluto, the farthest (yet arguably most potent) planet from the earth. In mythology Pluto is God of the Underworld, a tyrant who has the power to entrap and seduce to ensure he gets his way, at all costs. Those who have Pluto predominate in their chart often carry a ruthless, power driven edge that unleashes their deepest fears and desires, for better or worse.

Now in Capricorn, an earth sign that symbolizes structure, resilience, and material achievement, Pluto’s influence will encourage you to find the deepest cracks of your life so they can be permanently sealed. If you have Cancer or Capricorn strong in your chart, you will feel the effect of this eclipse most strongly, although all signs will experience a noticeable shift in a particular area of life.


ARIES (March 21- April 19)

A relocation, estate, or family concern will require you to keep your emotions in check and take on a higher leadership role. If something in your personal life is keeping you off balance, squarely address it, and new energy will open for you to strive for a professional milestone.

TAURUS (April 20 -May 20)

Justice will shine through with a legal settlement, sibling, global pursuit, or negotiation, but you’ll need to hold on to your moral compass and trust that you have the strength to do the right thing. Know your rights, but also have respect for policies in place, and you’ll earn new found respect.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

Trust that your money will work for you once you decide on who or what entity to partner with. Have a strong hold on what belongs to you, yet the wisdom to let go of what you longer need, and you’ll create a new opportunity for long term wealth.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)

Fundamental changes you’ve almost given up on will start to give way, but you’ll need to have the courage to change your perspective and trust that what comes your way is absolutely meant for you. Discern your instinct from your ego, and your humility will bless you with unprecedented power.


LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Listen to your body, as this will help you create balance where you most need it. A new way of life that honors your inner self will ironically increase your productivity and ultimately make you a force of nature. First however, you’ll need to succumb to the fragility of your human nature.


VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Virgo isn’t much for crowds, but this solar eclipse will encourage you to spread your wings and break free from your own inhibition. Take the lead, extend an invitation, throw a party, let others know how much you want to give, and slowly but surely, your creative spirit will blossom.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Give all yourself when helping others, and although at times you may feel unseen, your efforts will yield long lasting results that will awaken your life purpose and lay the foundation for your legacy. Know in your heart that you already have within you what you want to be; the rest is divine timing.


SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Dare yourself to think bigger than you ever have, and you’ll find a nugget of truth that will set the Jeanie out of the bottle. Test your logic against your faith, Scorpio, and in that space you’ll discover a secret wish that belongs only to you. In this wish lies the spark of your highest spiritual quest.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Now is the time to face your private fears about not having or being enough so you can embark on new terrain. Dive deep into the waters of vulnerability, and even if you cannot swim, trust that you will be rescued. Your talent is like gold; respect its value and prosperity will follow you, in devotion.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Unpeel the layers of your closest relationship, and you’ll likely realize you and your partner are more deeply entwined than you could ever imagine. Accept any insecurity you may feel as a gift, and you’ll create a healing space of fertile soil which can give way to eternal roots for your deepest union.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

A new feeling of vitality, focus, and innocence is possible for you, but you’ll need to face your demons before you see the light of where you’re truly headed. What seems like a detour will likely turn out to be a blessing in disguise, and the stronger your self-knowledge, the faster you’ll find the right path.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Invite love into your heart Pisces, as this will give you the power to change your future for the better, and steer your ship against the fiercest winds. Your child, sweetheart, or creative passion holds the key to an expanded vision for your life. Honor this fact, and you’ll see a whole new world that’s held in place by your biggest dream.


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The Full Moon in Sagittarius Shines on James Comey’s Testimony, and the Truth

The full moon in Sagittarius, Truth will come- with a price.

It is a necessary provision to understand that it is impossible to prevent everything. 
Jean-Jacques Rousseau                      

Sagittaris full moon

Sagittarius James Comey’s testimony with the U.S. Senate comes at the full moon in Sagittarius, the sign of higher truth, and intelligence. Like Mr. Comey, we will all have an opportunity to state our truth in a particular area of our life- but it won’t be a walk in the park. The full moon will have a heavy weight on its shoulders, as it will be in close contact with Saturn, the planet of restriction, delay, and conformity (and also the planet associated with the government, hence, in Comey’s case, President Donald Trump). Saturn entered Sagittarius in 2014 on Christmas Eve, and will enter Capricorn on December 19, 2017. If you are a Sagittarius, you have likely felt the weight of Saturn’s influence since 2015.

A promotion, travel opportunity, or educational pursuit has likely tested you in many ways, and required you to focus on a singular vision. This comes to mind in Comey’s case regarding the e-mails of Hillary Clinton, and most recently the investigation of Russia. As a mutable fire sign, Sagittarius by nature is heroic and adventurous, and thrives off freedom, so you may feel uncomfortable in your skin as you make the adjustment to adhering to the structure and order that Saturn demands.

The good news (especially if you’re a Sagittarius), is that Jupiter, the planet that rules Sagittarius, will awaken from a four month retrograde and station direct on the same day of the arrival of the full moon-timing so fabulous you would think it’s a gift from God! Now in Libra, the sign of justice, Jupiter’s power will gain momentum, and encourage you to remain as diplomatic as possible as you navigate new territory (sound a bit like Comey’s current plight- doesn’t it)?  This may involve a legal case, business partnership, or romantic relationship. You’ll likely have new knowledge that will help you see the bigger picture so you can tap in your wisdom, and capitalize on your best option.

Ultimately, this full moon will mark the end of a certain way of life, making you “grow up”, and face reality not as you would like to see it, but as it really is. Sagittarius is known for being the zodiac’s most optimistic sign, however, so even if your reality is far from ideal (as with Mr. Comey), the fire of Sagittarius will help you stay light on your feet, and look on the brighter side of the truth.

Lessons from the Sagittarius Full Moon are as follows:


ARIES (March 21- April 19)

A higher goal will likely reach and end point. Reflect on all that you’ve learned so you can continue to develop into your full potential. If you’re in a global pursuit, you may reach an impasse, which likely be blessing, in the long run. A citizenship matter will likely be completed, if you’d like to relocate- and the outcome will likely have a sobering effect.

TAURUS (April 20 -May 20)

Trust will be the main theme for you in your closest relationship, and within your business, if you’re an entrepreneur or in finance. This full moon will teach you there is great value in conservation, and taking a spiritual approach to your material life. Once you’re willing to give you what you’ve got, you’ll realize you have more than enough to sustain you.


GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

Opposition from an authority figure will likely make you take a second look at your relationship- which is probably overdue for examination. As soon as you think you have a clearing, you’ll likely be delayed- have patience Gemini, as the full moon has an important lesson to pass  on. Abide by the rules, and you’ll gain the wisdom required to make a breakthrough, just in the nick of time.


CANCER (June 22-July 22)

You’ve likely make great strides in your work, but now you may be too wiped out to celebrate your success. Take time to rest, and settle in to a new confidence you’ve recently gained, as this will help you shift into a higher gear that will allow for less momentum, and a smoother ride.


LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Well, Leo, looks like it’s time to see the writing on the wall when it comes to a matter of the heart. If you’re a parent, your child will likely challenge you to rise to the occasion, and enact your authority. Although this may be hard for you (as you have soft heart), it will be the best thing you can do for child’s future. In romance, you’ll be ready to commit, or move on – either way, your heart will likely know best.


VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Although home, family, or emotional matter may leave you feeling slightly despondent, you’ll also feel grounded, and secure. Take stock of the work you’ve put into creating a solid home base, and you’ll realize you’ve done a fine job. This full moon will likely show you that responsibility comes with sacrifice, but the reward you receive will have lasting value.


LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

However difficult it might be to make a final decision, the full moon will compel you to make up your mind, despite the consequences. Although it may feel as though you’ve been shoved in a corner, it’s likely you’ve had ample time to see all sides of your circumstances. Now is the time to trust in the power of your logic, and move on.


SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Hold on to what you have Scorpio, but not too tightly. This will be your lesson as the full moon illuminates your chart’s arena of income and ownership (the second house). Although you may not be entirely happy about the outcome of business endeavor or financial goal, at least now you can come to a full acceptance of where things stand- which will lead you becomming a fiscal master.


SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Where you end and your duty begins will likely draw a bold line between your integrity and responsibility. The best thing you can do for yourself, and everyone involved, is stand by your truth, as this will likely be the ultimate constituent  that shines light of what you’re made of. You’re much more solid that you think, Sagittarius, but you must vehemently defend yourself before you can tap into your greatest resource; your inner strength is as solid as gold.


CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

A recovery will likely take longer than you expected- which will likely send you in a deep state of inner reflection. You may think you somehow missed an important step that would have allowed you to avoid what you’re now experiencing- but it’s likely the opposite is true. Cherish the time you now have to heal- and the light of the moon will renew your faith.


AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

A close friendship may reach a turning point, which will likely affect you deeply, as Aquarius is the sign of camaraderie, and good will. Try not to take it personally if you feel slighted by someone you’ve known for a long time. It’s likely the full moon is sending you a special message- it likely has to do with expanding your social circle, and taking on a greater role of leadership.


PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Sometimes when you reach the top, the view looks different than you imagined. You’ll likely find this true as the full moon illuminates the pinnacle of your chart. Trust you’re exactly where you need to be however, despite how uncomfortable it may feel. It’s time to draw the curtains, Pisces, but know that now you’ll be ready for a bigger and better role.


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It’s February!


The Sun is in Aquarius, the sign of togetherness, independence, and friendship. Let this month be an opportunity for you to give freely to those who need it most.

Indain Express, Thinkstock Photo, Sandip Soparrkar

February in Motion

Behold the turtle, he makes progress only when he sticks his neck out.

James Bryant Conant

Solar Eclipse in Virgo~

Solar Eclipse in Virgo, Waves of Change~

Sunday’s Solar Eclipse in Virgo will continue to send waves of changes for the upcoming months. Themes of identity, selflessness, and efficiency  will be strong as the fall season (for the Northern Hemisphere) arrives.


Find ways to be of service, and trust in the kindness of others. As the Buddhist saying goes, speak and act with a pure mind, and happiness will follow you, like your shadow, unshakeable~ 

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The Sun Embraces Jupiter in Virgo- The Luckiest Day of 2015 is Here!

The Sun lights up Jupiter- A Special Virgo Event~

The hard must become habit. 
                                                                                  The habit must become easy.  
                                                                                    The easy must become beautiful.
                                                                          – Doug Henning  

The Sun and Jupiter are now in Virgo, the sign of perfection that says ‘practice makes perfect’!

But remember it must be quality practice, as Virgo would have it no other way~

A Virgo Inspiration~

If you’re a Virgo, expect a double dip of pleasure, for astrologically, today is a most special day-the luckiest day of the year! Jupiter, the planet of faith opportunity, expansion, and abundance, made its grand entrance in August 11. Today Jupiter will be embraced by the bright rays of the summer Sun, which is now in Virgo too!

Virgo is the quintessential symbol or purity. Whether you strive for  purity of heart, moral intention, or  consciousness, today you’ll likely experience a glimpse of the truth. Your unique character will easily align with a virtue you’re working hard to attain or develop. You may get ‘an hah moment’, while performing the simplest of tasks, or a day dream may send you a special message that may lead to a breakthrough about your unique place in the in word.

No matter what sign you are, believe in your ability to buckle down, focus, and get organized, and you’ll likely outdo yourself with a job incredibly well done!

Famous Virgo Dancers

Gene Kelly                                                                                                                                             

 Misty Copeland                                                                                                                                     

 Drew Jacoby                                                                                                                                        

 Michael Jackson      


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New Moon in Cancer, a New Beginning for July~

New Moon in Cancer


As the New Moon enters Cancer, emotions will run front and center. Believe in what you feel, even if you’d rather feel something else. Notice, if you steer toward rationalizing a circumstance, thought, or action- as your initial gut reaction is likely right on target.  Our expectations cannot always be met by those who matter most to us, but with self compassion, we can rise above the shortcomings of others~ 

lifted arabesque (2)

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The Dance of Light- the Sun in Aquarius confronts Jupiter in Leo~

Aquarius Entices  Leo

Aquarius and Leo

The Drama of Imagination

The Sun is Aquarius asks us to share freely, have a vision, and live for something greater than one’s self, while Jupiter in Leo demands we put ourselves on the world stage and muster the confidence to open our hearts.

When these planets meet in perfect opposition, we will feel the pull between the ideal vision of what could be, and the visceral desire to make the most of what we have in the moment~

    Do not hesitate, as your action will send a message to the brightest star that receives your wish~

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