Monthly Archives: May 2011

Compassion Rules for So You Think You Can Dance Season 8 Premiere!

Link: Compassion Rules for So You Think You Can Dance Season 8 Premiere!

The Moon in Pisces is hitting Mary Murphy’s Sun! Compassion rules for tonight’s competitors,  but because the Moon is opposite Terpischore, (the dancing asteroid), in meticulous and technical Virgo, only the sharpest dancers will make it to Vegas…

Here’s what I think the Stars have to say about Mayor Bloomberg’s expanded smoking ba

Here’s what I think the Stars have to say about Mayor Bloomberg’s expanded smoking ban in NYC…

Mayor Bloomberg Expands Smoking Ban! Health and Fitness asteroid Hygeia in Scorpio in the 1st h

Mayor Bloomberg Expands Smoking Ban! Health and Fitness asteroid Hygeia in Scorpio in the 1st house sheds light on dead ashes! Pluto in Capricorn Means Business! Bloomberg Rocks on This One!!!

Oprah’s Farewell  Until We Meet Again~

Oprah’s Farewell

 Until We Meet Again~

Oprah Winfrey’s Future Destined For Brightness!

Link: Oprah Winfrey’s Future Destined For Brightness!

Neptune, Oprah’s Ruling planet, has just moved from her Sun sign Aquarius to Pisces and will conjoin the brightest star of the Pisces constellation, royal fixed star Formalhaut, on March 25, 2013. The conjunction will completely merge with the luckiest point in her chart, the part of fortune, in 4 degress of Pisces, on March 30, 2013.  Neptune also co-rules and has dignity in the sign of Pisces. This means Ms. Winfrey’s  fortune, joy, and blessings are destined for diginity as the luckiest part of her chart completly merges with  the most sacred, brightest star of the Pisces constellation. Pisces is the wisest and most spiratual sign of the zodiac, and Oprah is headed to its fullest, purest expression.Her future is very bright, indeed!!!

Jupiter in Aries Sets the Stage for Dancing With The Stars Celebration!!! Jupiter, the p

Jupiter in Aries Sets the Stage for Dancing With The Stars Celebration!!!

Jupiter, the planet of Good Luck and Celebration, is Perfect in its current placement of Aries, The Champion of the Zodiac!

Hines and Kym’s Winning Moment!

Hines and Kym’s Winning Moment!

The Most Magical Moment of Dancing With The Stars, Season Twelve, March 24, 2011! Neptune,

The Most Magical Moment of Dancing With The Stars, Season Twelve, March 24, 2011!

Neptune, the most Magical Planet of our Solar System, Leads Hines and Kym to their Brightest Moment on Dancing With The Stars! Neptune Rules Pisces, Hine’s Sun Sign, and is currently in it’s  strongest expression, aka the ’Aries Point’ at 0 degrees Pisces. Pisces is also the last sign of the zodiac, as well as the most sensitive. That’s why Pisces energy so easily overflows, just like Hine’s tears! After everything Hines and Kym have been through together, this final moment hits a soft spot in our hearts. By far, their Big Victory has been the most Beautiful Ending on Dancing With The Stars!

Hines and Kym’s Magic Moment on Dancing With The Stars!

Link: Hines and Kym’s Magic Moment on Dancing With The Stars!

Jupiter Return In Aries Brings Magic Winning Moment for Hines Ward!

Jupiter, planet of good luck,  helps bring Hines Ward the Mirrorball Trophy, as it returns to Hine’s natal Jupiter placement in the Champion Sign of the Zodiac, Aries.

The stars are definately on his side!