Monthly Archives: May 2017

A Scorpio Full Moon

Full Moon in Scorpio




The goal of all life is death.

Sigmund Freud , Scorpio Rising, Taurus Sun, and Moon in Scorpio

This full moon will fall in 20 degrees of Scorpio, and those who have birthdays within five days of November 10, ( or who have their moon within 5 degrees of Scorpio)will likely feel it the most. Scorpio is notorious for being the zodiac’s most intense sign, and when the full moon falls in Scorpio, this is even more true!

Emotions will run deep. Ultimatums will brew to the surface, and your will power will likely be severely tested. The good news is the moon will be harmoniously aligned with Neptune, the planet of idealism and compassion, which will ultimately lead to a positive outcome. What’s even better is that the moon will be in perfect synch with Scorpio’s ruling planet, Pluto. This connection will add depth and soul to any major decision you make during this full moon cycle (to last until Tuesday, May 23).

It is true that Scorpio thrives off of living on the edge. This full moon cycle will be your opportunity to get out of your own way and let go of any deep fear you may have that’s been holding you back. Now will be the time to let go, and trust that you are powerful enough to attain what you most desire.

Famous Terpischoreian’s with the Moon in Scorpio

Jennifer Lopez. Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Bruce Lee, Charlie Chaplin

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May Horoscope for all Zodiac Signs

May Forecast for all Zodiac Signs

Every exit is an entry to somewhere. Tom Stoppard

May, 2017

Pilobolus, Photography by John Kane


May Overview


ARIES (March 21- April 19)

With Mars, the rulers of Aries, in your chart’s arena of communication, you’ll be wise to think before you speak. Be adaptable, and you’ll get others on your side. A back and forth exchange in the way you negotiate will give you more room to navigate, so do your best to listen intently and put yourself in the mind of whoever is across the table (not easy, but with effort you’ll master it)! Thursday, May 11, will be a stand out as Mars will perfectly align with Saturn, the task master planet. This will bode well for international affairs, travel, media, academia, and legal matters. You’ll have incredible endurance, so use this day to go all the way with a challenging project- as you’ll likely complete it, with finesse. Sunday, the 28th, will be a day to watch out for, as Mars will be in direct opposition to Saturn, and your patience will be tested. Distance will help you remain objective, and with Saturn involved, you’ll likely learn an important lesson about temperance.


TAURUS (April 20 -May 20)

The full moon in Scorpio (the complimentary sign of Taurus), on Wednesday, May 10, will be a stand out for you. In positive alignment with Pluto, the planet o regeneration, this full moon cycle will favor travel, foreign culture, and spirituality. You’ll be stimulated by partnership, and will likely want to spend your free time with someone special (especially if you’re single). If you’ve been dating someone regularly, between May 10 and May 18, you’ll have an opportunity to either take your union to the next level, or complete it, and move on. Either way, with Pluto involved, you’ll feel invigorated, and ready for a new romantic chapter. The Sun will remain in Taurus until Friday, May 19, so you still have time to put your best foot forward with your most cherished personal ambition. After that, the Sun will enter Gemini (an air sign that’s much less grounded than Taurus), and multitasking will become important, as you gain momentum toward your #1 goal. Get clear now, as this will make it easier to think on your feet later, when you’ll need to master last minute changes.


GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

On Tuesday, May 9, Mercury, Gemini’s ruler, will embrace Uranus, the planet of surprise, and brilliance. This will be a fabulous day for a breakthrough idea you can apply to technology, social media, or humanitarian endeavor. It’s also a great day to speak out about your passion- what drives you, and what you’re willing to fight for. If you need freedom or independence from a situation, person, you’ll have the courage to speak your mind and take action. The new influence of the new moon in Gemini on Thursday, May 25th, will last approximately two weeks, and will energize you until the end of the month. You’ll have a creative edge you can easily apply to sales, negotiation, and networking. If you’re an artist, your imagination will be vivid, and you’ll likely be inspired to take an artistic risk and explore unknown territory. Let your mind relax as much as possible, and the seeds for promising new ideas will likely sprout and blossom into tangible results.


CANCER (June 22-July 22)

Romance will be a highlight for you this month, thanks to the full moon in your fellow water sign, Scorpio, on Wednesday, May 9. This full moon will be in favorable alignment with Pluto, the planet of regeneration, and Neptune, the planet of idealism, so it’s likely you’ll be feeling optimistic and hopeful about your love life. If you’ve been single for a long time and have been seeking a new partner, you may finally meet someone with whom you feel a natural connection, or take a risk and express your feelings to someone who intrigues you. On May 15, when the moon in Capricorn (Cancer’s complimentary sign), unites with Pluto, emotions will likely run deep, someone close to you will likely test your loyalty. Your honesty will carry a lot of weight this day, and your vulnerability will likely be an asset, especially in your most intimate relationship. Once the Sun enters Gemini on Saturday, May 20, and lights up your chart’s arena of spirituality and solitude, you’ll benefit from going inward. Find time to reflect on the past twelve months, and you’ll gain insight on what will bring you’re the greatest fulfillment for your new birthday year.


LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Your professionalism will be in the spotlight as the Sun (Leo’s ruler), shines in Taurus and lights up the pinnacle of your chart, where your greatest achievements are fully recognized. Your ambition will create lasting momentum for a milestone you’d like to reach, so if you have a hunch you have what it takes to conquer a great obstacle, or meet an incredible challenge, your instincts will likely be spot on! You’ll want to mark Monday May 8, and Tuesday, May 9, on your calendar, as these will be powerful days for you. On these days the Sun will be gorgeous alignment, with Pluto, the planet of empowerment, and will power, and you’ll the power of persuasion at your disposal. If you’re diligent, a job interview, lucrative assignment, or pay raise will likely lead you in a fabulous new direction that will lead to even better possibilities. Your social life will light up when the Sun enters Gemini (the zodiac’s networker), on Saturday, May 20 (to stay until Tuesday, June 20). This time will be best spent out and about, and will be great for launching a social media campaign, and making a name for yourself within your professional circle.


VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

An exciting new partnership will be possible (if that’s what you desire), thanks to the close embrace between Mercury (Virgo’s ruler), and Uranus, the planet of innovation, on Tuesday, May 9. This cosmic union will lead straight into the full moon in Scorpio (on Wednesday, May 10) which will light up your chart’s arena of negotiation, and contracts. It’s likely you’ll finalize the terms for an agreement with someone important, during this full moon cycle, and with Scorpio involved, you’ll likely be passionate about moving forward. The full moon will be in positive alignment (a sextile, 60 degrees apart), with Pluto, the planet of empowerment, now in your fellow earth sign, Capricorn. This will create a spark in your love life as well as your creative expression that will last until Tuesday, May 23. The month will conclude in grand fashion for you, thanks to the beautiful trine (a perfect harmonious alignment of 180 distance) between Mercury and Pluto, which will become exact on Wednesday, May 31, at 8 am EST. Profess your love to someone special, as your affection will likely be generously returned.


LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

An important relationship will likely be at the center of heart this month, as Venus, the planet of love (and Libra’s ruler), will be in Aries, Libra’s complimentary sign. Others will likely be drawn to your charm and want to be in your presence, so if you’re single and looking, you’ll be wise to be out and about! Aries is a confident sign that wastes no time, so it’s likely if someone is interested in you, he or she will be very direct in letting you know. This will make it easy for you to develop a connection with someone new, as Libra can sometimes be shy and indecisive when it comes to matters of the heart. Thursday, May 18, and Friday May 19, will be important days for you, when Venus will challenge Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and expansion (now in Libra). Overindulgence in romance or food, or a lavish shopping spree may get the best of you if you’re not careful. Yet sometimes we all have to ‘live a little’, and these days will definitely mark such a time where having what you desire will make life all the sweeter.


SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You’ll likely find this month to be one of the most memorable of 2017, thanks to the full moon in Scorpio, on Wednesday, May 10 (to reach exact fullness at 5:42 p.m. EST). This full moon will be a beauty, as it will be beautiful alignment with Neptune, the planet of idealism, and Pluto, the planet of empowerment. Now in your fellow water sign, Pisces, Neptune will shine light on your love life, and bless your with new experiences of the heart, that you’ll likely remember for a lifetime. This will be a great match with Pluto (Scorpio’s ruler), now in your chart’s arena of communication; this influence will transform the way you relate to others, and will challenge you to a higher level of learning as you reach enter a new chapter of intellectual mastery. If you’re in sales, marketing, or communication, this full moon cycle will likely bring a favorable deal to a successful close, and you may acquire a lucrative new account, or client. Whatever your circumstance might be, the light of the moon will out the cards in your favor, Scorpio. Use your hand wisely, and you’ll cruise through 2017 with purpose, and finesse.


SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Your instincts will likely be 100% accurate on Thursday, May 11, when Mercury, the planet of the mind, perfectly aligns with Saturn, the planet of wisdom and maturity (now in Sagittarius). You’ll likely make a sound decision a about a romance, creative endeavor, or child, and the effects will likely be long lasting. If you’re a student who has a class presentation or important exam near this time, your mind will quick and flexible, which will make it easy for you to confidently think on your feet. You’ll have an excellent opportunity to begin a new chapter in your love life, thanks to the new moon in your complimentary sign of Gemini. This new moon will arrive on Thursday, May 25, and its influence will carry on until Wednesday, June 7. If you’re single, you’ll likely meet someone new by socializing with your best friend, as Gemini is the sign of friendship. Make time in your schedule to catch up with those who are important to you, as this will lighten your spirit and enhance your magnetism.


CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

With Pluto, the planet of metamorphosis and empowerment, in Capricorn, you’ll be encouraged to make deep, inner changes that will last for a lifetime. Whether your priority is to improve your health, love life, or carve out a new life direction, you’ll have the endurance and motivation to go all the way and reach you your goal. Although Pluto is a tiny planet, its influence is powerful. Pluto entered Capricorn in November of 2008 will stay in Capricorn until 2023, so you’re more than half way toward reinventing yourself- which is exactly what Pluto wants you to do; changes things up, get rid of what doesn’t work, and get down to the essentials of your life purpose. The beginning of the month until Tuesday, May 9, will be a powerful time for you, as the Sun will make a beautiful alignment with Pluto. This will be a wonderful time to express your creativity, profess your love to someone special, or take a risk, as you’ll likely land firmly on two feet. The end of the month will be great time to close a lucrative deal or bring on a promising new account or client, as Mercury, the negotiation planet will be in Taurus (great for money) and make a beautiful connection with Pluto-a perfect cosmic duo for you!


AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Life will get easier for you once Mercury awakens from its retrograde and resumes forward motion, on Wednesday, May 3. Now in Aries ( a sign of little patience), and traveling through your chart’s arena of short distance travel, negotiation, and communication, Mercury’s retrograde has likely intensified miscommunication and make your everyday life more cumbersome than usual. After May 3, it’s likely you’ll gradually feel a weight lifted off your shoulders. You’re thinking will be more clear, and it will easier to effectively manage your daily schedule, and keep you with appointments, e-mails, and phone calls. The full moon in Scorpio, (a sign of great intensity) on Wednesday, May 10, will likely become the highlight of the month for you, especially in regards to your career. This full moon will ignite the peak of your chart, where your greatest achievement can be fully recognized by the public. If you’re a performing artist, public speaker, or other professional who deals with the pubic, the full moon cycle (to last until Tuesday, May 23), will be especially powerful for you. An investor, lead executive, or head hunter may express interest in you, and the timing will likely be right on. Prepare for success, Aquarius, as this month will take you on the fast track to what you truly desire.


PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Optimism will come naturally for you this month, thanks to the full moon in your fellow water sign, Scorpio, which will peak on Wednesday, May 10. A vacation, citizenship matter, media, or academic pursuit will likely give you reason to smile, and renew your faith. If you belong to a church and are involved in a spiritual retreat, or other similar adventure, you’ll likely have a life changing experience. If you’re an aspiring student, you’ll likely be ready to make your final decision about what school or college to attend, and secure an appropriate financial aid package. This positive influence of this full moon will be boosted by Neptune (the ruler of Pisces), so the time from May 10 thru May 23 will likely be extra sweet for you. Day you’ll be wise to watch out for will be May 9 and May 10, as this will be when Mars, the action planet will confront Neptune, your ruler (now in Pisces). During this time, what you feel urged to do may not be in your best interest for the long term, as you’ll likely be too eager to make a move, before you know all the facts. Wait until after the full moon, on May 10, to make and hard and fast changes, and you’ll be glad you did.

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It’s May!

It’s May!

Colors are the deeds and suffering of light. Goethe

May 2017

Original Ballet Water Color, Artfinder