Monthly Archives: September 2015

Lunar Eclipse in Aries, A Courageous Closing Chapter~

Lunar Eclipse in Aries

Confidence is on the Rise!

Lunar Eclipse in Aries

The lunar eclipse in Aries will compel you to  find the courage to bravely move on. As the pioneer of the zodiac, Aries is a natural leader, and looks only forward. Something in your life will likely come to a closing chapter, but the very end will be up to you. Take hold of your free will, and your confidence will spark a hint of the freedom that’s yet to come.

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Solar Eclipse in Virgo~

Solar Eclipse in Virgo, Waves of Change~

Sunday’s Solar Eclipse in Virgo will continue to send waves of changes for the upcoming months. Themes of identity, selflessness, and efficiency  will be strong as the fall season (for the Northern Hemisphere) arrives.


Find ways to be of service, and trust in the kindness of others. As the Buddhist saying goes, speak and act with a pure mind, and happiness will follow you, like your shadow, unshakeable~ 

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