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Venus enters Libra

Venus enters Libra

The best mirror is the eye of a friend. Irish Proverb

Balance, conflict resolution, and relationships will come into beautiful clear focus as Venus, the love planet, enters its home sign of Libra, the sign of justice, beauty, and pleasure. If you’re involved in an important negotiation or legal matter (also Libra’s domain) Venus will help you err on the side of diplomacy. 

What’s ultimately fair and just will likely win out, especially if your intentions are pure. Now is a time when your closest relationship will likely mirror you, so you can learn a lot about yourself by listening and observing with an open mind and heart. 

Venus will glide across the constellation of Libra from August 15 through September 10. 

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Moon Dances, A Libra Moon~

Moon Dances

Illumination for the Soul

A Libra Moon

Whatever the heavens create, the earth can find use for. Chinese Proverb


Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius~

An Aquarius Lunar Eclipse

Look before you leap. Anonymous

Aquarius Lunar Eclipse

The Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius will leave you feeling optimistic and energized, which will set a positive tone for the entire month of August. The opposition to Mars, however ( the planet of aggression), suggests you’ll have to fight for your unique vision in regards to a future goal, and it might be difficult to convince a VIP to see things your way. Still, the overall impact will be a good one, thanks to the moon’s beautiful alignment with Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, now in Libra, the sign of partnership. A significant relationship will be in the spotlight. Full moons bring awareness, and a lunar eclipse has three to four times the impact of a full moon. Your intuition will be strong now, especially if you’re an Aquarius,- so trust your feelings.  With a touch of social finesse, you can make a significant gain via a connection with someone in the know. A legal matter, intellectual endeavor, media pursuit, or business opportunity will can be finalized now, and the results will likely make you very happy (as that’s Jupiter’s job)!


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October Forecast for all Zodiac Signs

October Monthly Forecast

There is no end. There is no beginning. There is only the infinite passion of living.   Federico Fellini



The new moon in Libra will make October a standout month for 2016. With Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and good good fortune, so close to the new moon, new partnerships will carry great potential. Someone new who comes into your life may show you ways you can do more with less, as Libra is a savvy sign that knows how to make the most of those who are well informed, and connected. Relationships of all kinds will likely  feel renewed with optimism. Even if you experienced setbacks from the past, you’ll be inclined to make a fresh start, as the future will look brighter and motivate you to keep going. 

Mercury, the messenger planet, will unite with Jupiter on Monday, October 10, so good news will be on its way, especially for Virgo and Gemini. Virgo may receive a positive message about a holistic endeavor  or retreat, while Gemini may receive a special romantic invitation. If you’re single and have been of the social loop, this month will bode well for online dating, meetup groups, and networking, as it will be easy to make new people who you find appealing and ‘in the know’.

The full moon in Aries Saturday, October 15,  will be like a firecracker, so expect the unexpected, as you’ll likely need to make a swift turn at a moment’s notice. With Uranus, the planet of upheaval and excitement, tightly embraced with the full moon, who knows what may happen…but emotions will run high, as many people will likely be on edge. If you are an Aries born within 5 days of April 10, you’ll feel this full moon the most. Others who have planets near 23 degrees of Cancer, Capricorn, or Libra, will also feel the heat from this full moon. Whatever transpires, consider it a blessing, even if at the time you may feel crazed. Shakeups in life reveal our strength, and that’s what Aries is all about.

October concludes with a beautiful new moon in Scorpio, the day before Halloween. Water signs will likely be in romantic bliss- and for those who are unattached, you’ll  be extra magnetic. Mercury and Neptune (the planet of starry eyed bliss) will join together in Scorpio, (along with Terpsichore!!)  and will be very close to the full moon just a few degrees away- this spells magic. Whatever your dream may be, speak it, dance it, believe it, as the midnight sky will be a clean slate for a miracle.

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Seven Ways to Make Your Life Shine While the Sun Shines in Libra~

Seven ways to vitalize your life while the Sun is in Libra


As the seventh sign of the zodiac, Libra is the only sign that is not symbolized by an animal, or living being.  This might be because as the sign of relationships, Libra carries a sophistication that goes beyond instinct, or individual expression. The scale represents the “truth” of what lies outside our personal experience. Accepting circumstances as they are- yet honoring your own sense of justice, and freewill, is the gift of Libra. 

Seven Ways to use to this gift:

1. Mirror the behavior of a mentor, or confidant to enhance your social skills.

2.Take pride in being stylish.

3.Give lots of genuine compliments, small and big.

4.Think like a judge-be decisive.

5.Treat others not as you would want to be treated, but as he or she wants to be treated.

6.Make the happiness of your sweetheart, spouse, or special loved one, your first priority.

7.Believe in the power of justice, and honor this belief through your daily actions.

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The Sun is in Libra~

The Sun is in Libra!

When the Music Changes, so should the dance change. Hausa Proverb

The Fall season is officially here, as the Sun enters Libra, the sign of balance, objectivity, and relationships.  Partnerships of all kinds will carry great potential for growth, as Jupiter, the good luck planet,  entered Libra on September 9 (to stay until October 11, 2017)! If you are in sales or business, this influence will be further strengthened by Mercury’s recent awakening. Having been retrograde since the beginning of September, Mercury is now in direct motion, and will clear the way for fair negotiation-  Libra’s specialty!

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May forecast for all Zodiac Signs~

Monthly Forecast for May

A Waltz between Taurus and Virgo- a Match Made in Heaven~

Hong Kong Ballet


Things will begin to click for you in May, most likely in the area of your life where you’re most hopeful. For earth signs like Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, May will likely be one of the best months of 2016. Water signs, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces will also do well, as water and earth are compatible. Fire and air signs will benefit too, but progress may initially feel a bit uncomfortable.  There are times when even positive change is not always easy, however constructive it may be in the long run. Taurus loves to take its time, so signs that thrive on fast results like Aries and Gemini will likely be challenged to develop their patience. All in all,   what will be most beautiful about May is an air of sheer optimism that will begin right from the start, on Tuesday, May 3.  Every sign will benefit from this five star day, so be sure to mark it on your calendar.

This day will host a trine (a most positive harmonious angle of 120 degrees), or as I like to say “waltz” between the Sun, and Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, now in Virgo. It’s likely you’ll see definite progress with a business, personal ambition, or relationship, and the great thing is will just happen on its own. That’s the wonderful thing about a trine between planets- the bridging of  harmonious elements release a certain ease- and often make our lives feel  lighter when we’re in need of a lift.

As earth signs, Taurus and Virgo are both known for simplicity and logic.  One interpretation of Jupiter in Virgo is the benefit of having a system is place, to increase efficiency so production can expand. It’s a rather industrial idea. If you think of the invention of the factory, for example, and the level of organization that’s required for mass production, you’ll be in perfect tune with Jupiter’s  current vibration.  You’ll do well if you systematically approach an area of your life you’ve wanted to expand. How can you better manage all the factors involved? Are you using your time wisely in this area?

The new moon in Taurus (where the moon’s power is exalted), on Friday May 6, will  release a rainbow of opportunity. Make special plans for this day, or the following weekend. Visit a beautiful place or partake on an adventure that will change your usual routine and put you in another world. The full moon will arrive in Sagittarius on Saturday, May 21. High octane energy will abound, as the moon will tightly embrace Mars, the planet of physicality. With unpredictable, fiery Sagittarius involved, you may suddenly feel the urge to go everywhere, and do everything (beyond reason)!  As the optimist of the zodiac, the full moon will likely challenge you to let go a personal doubt. If you never thought of yourself as athletic for example, you may allow yourself to be thrown in a volley ball game and make the first serve. Go with what comes to you, and you’ll surprise yourself with what you can do!


ARIES (March 21- April 19)

Positive days for

Money : May 3, May 10, May 13, ( May 6- May 17, new moon cycle)

Love: May 4, May 13

Success: May 3, May 10, May 13,  * May 21-thru May 30 (full moon cycle)


TAURUS (April 20 -May 20)

Positive days for

Money: May 3, Friday May 6- thru May 17 (new moon cycle),

Love: May 3, May 6-17,

Success: May 3, May 10, May 13


GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

Positive days for:

Money: May 10, May 12-13, May 30

Love: May 12, May 19-31 (full moon cycle)

Success: May 3, May 12-13, May 30


CANCER (June 22-July 22)

Money: May 6-19 (new moon cycle), May 30

Love: May 12-15, May 30-31

Success: New moon cycle: May 6-17


LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Positive days for:

Money: May 3, May 6-17 (new moon cycle) May 30

Love: May 3, May 6-17 (new moon cycle), May 31

Success: May 3 May 6-17 (new moon cycle) May 20-21


VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Positive days for:

Money: May 3, May 6-17 (new moon cycle) May 30

Love: May 10, May 12-13* (Mercury, Virgo’s ruler, conjunct Venus), May 30

Success: May 3, May 10, May 12, May 30


LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Positive Days for:

Money: May 3, May 6-17 (new moon cycle) May 30

Love: May 3, May 10, May 13, May 30

Success: May 3, New moon cycle, May 6-17


SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Positive Days for:

Money: May 3, May 6-17 (new moon cycle) May 21 (full moon, mixed- because of opposition to Venus, but still carries positive potential) May 30

Love: May 3, May 6-17 (new moon cycle) May 30

Success: May 3, May 6-17 (new moon cycle)


SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Positive day for:

Money: May 3, May 6-17 (new moon cycle), May 30

Love: May 10, May 12, May 30

Success: May 3, May 6-7 (new moon cycle) *May 20-31 (full moon cycle in Sagittarius- the opposition from Venus may complicate your love life, but the moon’s embrace with Mars, the planet of passion, bodes well for activities that will require you to be proactive and ambitious)


CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Positive days for:

Money: May 3, May 6-17 (new moon cycle –May 12-13 are standouts)

Love: May 3, May 6-17 (new moon cycle)

Success: May 3, May 6-7, May 30


AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Positive days for:

Money: May 4, May 6- 17 (new moon cycle, May 10 is a stand out)

Love: May 3, May 12-13, May 30

Success: May 3, May 6-17 (new moon cycle)


PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Positive days for:

Love: May 3, May 6-17 (new moon cycle)

Money: May 8-9, May 10, May 13, May 30

Success: May 3, May 6-17 (new moon cycle-May 9-10 are standouts), * May 20-21 full moon at the peak of your chart will be energizing- the opposition from Venus will require you compromise), May 30

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A Solar Eclipse in Pisces~

A Pisces Solar Eclipse Paves the Way for 2016~

Solar Eclipse in Pisces


Today hosts the first Solar Eclipse of 2016, in the zodiac’s last sign, Pisces. An interesting mix, as this suggests a new beginning with a tone of finality, like a new chapter that begins with a memory, flashback, or foreshadowing of what’s to come. Intuition is what Pisces is all about, and it’s often said that what will be in the future has already been laid out by a string of thoughts, ideas, and quiet longings that have slowly been gathering, to create momentum.

Consider this idea as you move ahead in a particular area of your life, and you  may be surprised to realize how well the route has been laid out to your new destination. If you don’t see a route however, you’ll likely need to take a detour, and this is largely what Solar Eclipses are all about-fresh starts.  It’s  kind of like that moment in Flash Dance , when audition time has come, and the music plays- but the steps aren’t quite polished… something is off.

Nothing wrong with that, however! She (actress Jennifer Beals), just asks if she can start over,  and from there on, it’s magic. She’s in control, yet totally free. I think this shows the beauty of timing. There are times when we need to start over, and if you truly feel you need a re-start- if you ask God, your higher power, or whatever you believe in, (Pisces is a highly spiritual sign), to start again, chances are excellent that you’ll get another chance, and this time- you’ll nail it.

More on that to come, as there are some other planetary alignments that will require you to carefully strategize. Until then,  here’s s a snap shot of what changes this eclipse will bring for you in the next several months. Pisces is gentle energy, but it also runs deep~

ARIES (March 21- April 19)

A new beginning for your life dream, a spiritual journey, or healing experience will likely be inevitable,  for you to be your best~

TAURUS (April 20 -May 20)

You’ll be revived by a new friendship, spiritual community, or philanthropic pursuit, which will likely change your outlook on the future~

 GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

Your public persona will become magnified- how do you want to be seen? Clarify that vision!

CANCER (June 22-July 22)

What do you most believe in? A spiritual review will likely lead you back on course, and to a personal breakthrough~

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Vulnerability will be the main theme in an intimate relationship. Your sensitivity will grant you power to make things right.

 VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Do you feel need support? You can get someone special to be on the same page with you-once you embrace your humility, and reach out~

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Infuse your lifestyle with things that nurture your soul, and life will feel so much easier! You can find a new way to solve an old problem~

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Harness your creativity, as this will unlock the power of your self expression, and give you a deeper sense of purpose.

 SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Look inside yourself for an answer you’ve been avoiding, or uncertain of, and you’ll likely clear emotional debris from a long standing obstacle-soon which may be no longer~

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Remember that it’s okay to change your mind- especially if you’re certain of  what lies in your heart~

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Challenge yourself to develop a new value that reflects your  higher, idealized self. This will likely carry the fuel that will jumpstart and redirect your life~

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Well- it’s all about you. That being said, you may realize you’ve become someone other than you thought. The depth of your life purpose is on the horizon~

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October Forecast for all signs of the Zodiac~


Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes.

Hugh Prather

Life Changes

The Sun is now in Libra, so relationships will carry the main theme of the month, especially as the results  from September’s Lunar eclipse in Aries  (the mirroring sign of Libra), continue to unfold. Lay low on Tuesday, October 6, as that’s when the Sun will be in conflict with Pluto. Hold off on an important meeting or discussion, and collect your thoughts.  You’ll be relieved to know Mercury, the messenger planet, will awaken from its retrograde on Friday, October 9. Give it a few days- and you can charge forward with a business meeting, negotiation, or other important agreement.

You’ll want to watch out for the new moon in Libra, on October 12, as this new moon will bring a host of challenges. Uranus, the planet of unexpected changes, will be in direct opposition to the moon, and a major adjustment (or two) may throw you off balance, so be ready to compromise. Several days later, on Saturday, October 17, a five star day will arrive, thanks to the passionate love affair between Mars (the planet of sexuality and vitality), and Jupiter (the planet of good fortune). Both these powerful planets will be in Virgo, so make sure you mark that date on your calendar, Virgos!  This cosmic union will bless all signs with extra energy and optimism, so if you have anything on your agenda you need to tackle- an audition, performance, athletic event, or other ambitious personal mission, this day will bring you to victory.

As the month comes to and end, on Tuesday, October 27, we’ll approach a beautiful, very positive full moon in Taurus (where the moon’s power is exalted). The high vibrations will carry on to the very end of the month, on Halloween. This will be a fabulous day for emotional connection and soulful celebration, as the moon will be at home in Cancer, the sign of sensitivity and deep feelings. In all, the events of October will definitely bring ups and downs, but the closing chapter will promise a happy ending~

Mark Thursday, October 15 on your calendar, when Mars, your ruler, will be in fine vibration with Pluto- this will be superhero influence that will give you the power to move mountains! You’ll see.


The full moon in Taurus (where the moon’s power is exalted), on Tuesday, October 27 will one of the best, most memorable full moons of 2015. Romance, a pregnancy, or artistic project will make your heart sing.


Mercury, your ruler, will regulate its orbit and go direct on Friday,  October 9, and your life will start to normalize!  Venus’s entrance in Virgo (on Thursday, October 9),  will bless your personal life with peace and relaxation.


The full moon in Taurus on Tuesday, October 27, will ignite your solar chart’s arena of faith, and personal philosophy of life, (the ninth house). The success you experience will be solely of your creation, and the depth of your full  potential will likely surprise you.


On Friday, October 30, the Sun, your ruler, will be in perfect synch with Neptune, the planet of spiritual insight and luxurious escape. This will be wonderful day for expressing your creativity and attracting someone special.


With Jupiter,(the planet of good fortune), in Virgo you’re at the center of the galaxy’s heart. Put a gold star next to Sunday, October 25, as that’s when Jupiter will sweep Venus off her feet- you’ll have the power to attract anything (or anyone), you desire!


Well, Libra, what can I say, the new moon in Libra on Monday, October 12, will challenge you- but you’ll have everything at your disposal to come out shining-and things will get better (and better) especially as the full moon arrives in Taurus, the sign of harvest, and security-so do what you do best, and shift your diplomatic flair into fifth gear.


The Sun will enter Scorpio on Friday, October 23, and that same day Venus will make a fabulous connection with Pluto,Scorpio’s ruler- your passion will be on the rise- so say what you feel, as your words will have enormous power.


Look at for Saturday, October 10, as Venus will battle Saturn, the planet of self-mastery (now in Sagittarius) a tough day for you, but nothing you can’t handle! Saturday, October 27, will bless you with the vitality of a superhero. Take action, as the universe will be at your command.


Sunday, September 11 will be a standout day for the month, when Jupiter, the planet of abundance, will align perfectly with Pluto, the planet of empowerment (now in Capricorn). Go after what you want with full force, and you’ll have a breakthrough.


Watch out for delay in travel and miscommunication on Sunday, October 25, when Mercury, the messenger planet, will clash with your guardian planet, Uranus. On the same day, you’ll have an excellent opportunity to get closer to someone special- and enjoy exhilarating  experience of trust.


Saturday, October 17 will endow you with sex appeal, so go after who you want! Friday, October 30 will be made just for you, Pisces, as the Sun waltz’s with Neptune, (your guardian planet), angelic forces will surround you. If you dream it, it will come.

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Weekly Horoscope for all Zodiac Signs, November 16, 2014

Weekly Horoscope for November 16, 2014


The child is the father of the man. William Wordsworth

Surrender to your well of inner power.

Sun conjunct Saturn in Scorpio


Have the courage to let go.


Let the one closest to you be your rock.


Listen to your body.


Take center stage of your creative mission, and lose yourself in the moment.


Release your emotions from within.


Lay the truth of the table, no matter how hot or cold.


Hold on to what’s most real for you, from your inner resilience.


Embrace the power of your personal experience, and hard-earned wisdom.


Stand still in the face of darkness,  and the truth will wash over you and reveal your own light.


Commit to yourself as a leader, and bring others together to honor your vision of humanity.


Push ahead, but make sure to take a breath, so you can be refreshed when you reach your peak.


Act on your personal faith,  and you’ll  surpass the illusion of doubt as you rise to the occasion of your true potential.

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