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Venus enters Libra

Venus enters Libra

The best mirror is the eye of a friend. Irish Proverb

Balance, conflict resolution, and relationships will come into beautiful clear focus as Venus, the love planet, enters its home sign of Libra, the sign of justice, beauty, and pleasure. If you’re involved in an important negotiation or legal matter (also Libra’s domain) Venus will help you err on the side of diplomacy. 

What’s ultimately fair and just will likely win out, especially if your intentions are pure. Now is a time when your closest relationship will likely mirror you, so you can learn a lot about yourself by listening and observing with an open mind and heart. 

Venus will glide across the constellation of Libra from August 15 through September 10. 

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Moon Dances, A Libra Moon~

Moon Dances

Illumination for the Soul

A Libra Moon

Whatever the heavens create, the earth can find use for. Chinese Proverb


It’s June!

It’s June!

The Purpose of life is the expansion of happiness. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

June 2018

June begins with a heavenly connection between Venus and Neptune, the planet of romance. Find time celebrate the joy of life with someone special and you’ll set a beautiful tone for the entire month.


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New Moon in Capricorn, January, 2018

The New Moon is in Capricorn

If your ship doesn’t come in-swim out to it.

Jonathan Winters


Drenched-Photo by Bob Morrison

The New Moon in Capricorn, the sign of maturity and perseverance, arrives on Tuesday, January 16, at 9:17 p.m. EST, and will be active until Friday, January 26. Venus , the planet of attraction and harmony, is also in Capricorn, and will tightly embrace the New Moon. This unique planetary alignment will add a romantic, artistic flair to all new endeavors in the coming weeks. Thanks to the influence of Capricorn, no matter how inspired or romantic you may feel, you’ll likely remain grounded and will be inclined to think long-term. If you are a creative professional or aspiring artist, your commitment to your work will help your artistry flourish. If you are in business (Capricorn’s domain), your professionalism and social grace can now help you secure a lucrative opportunity.

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Venus Unites with Uranus~ A Rollercoaster of Passion!

Venus unites with Uranus

The flamenco of the gypsy has nothing to do with the flamenco for tourists. Real flamenco is like sex.  Klaus Kinsky

Venus meets Uranus

Sparks will fly in the love department as Venus joins Uranus, the planet of surprise. Both these planets are now in Aries, the zodiac’s most fiery sign. Someone unusual may make a move when you least expect it, and if your responsive, you may end up in a whirlwind of a romantic rendezvous!

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It’s June!

It’s June!

We all carry a new world within our hearts. Buenaventura Berruti


It's June!

June begins with a beautiful alignment between Venus and Saturn. A romantic relationship will likely become serious, if you’ve been dating someone who’s a good match for you. As the planet of maturity, Saturn’s influence will encourage you to commit to that which you will know will expand your life, while Venus will bring out your passionate side, and encourage you to take a risk.

As the planet of attraction, Venus loves money, so if you’re about to launch a new business endeavor, this cosmic duo will likely give you the momentum you need to get started on the right foot. Loyalty will go a long way as the month progresses. Go out of your way to show someone that you can be his or rock, and your relationship will solidify, like gold.

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The Last Day of June~

Venus Tangos with Pluto

The Rose is a friend of the thorn. Afghani Saying



ARIES (March 21- April 19)

 Tread lightly with a sensitive family matter, and you’ll learn an important lesson about compromise. Your parents, or a close relative may need you to come through at the peak of a professional responsibility. Although your commitment to your career may have a sense of urgency, your gut will likely tell you to nurture a close relationship. Be as emotionally available as possible, and you’ll tap into a maturity that will allow you to strike the right balance between your private life and public ambition.

TAURUS (April 20 -May 20)

However passionate you might be about a new subject, idea, or perspective, someone you greatly admire may not see things your way. Although it may be difficult, try not to take it personally, as it’s likely your confidant or mentor has good very good reason. Keep an open mind- listen with the intention to learn, and the wisdom of this person’s life experience will likely shine through. If a legal matter is at hand, emotional containment will allow you to pave the way for excellent counsel.

 GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

 Loosen the reigns on a personal value, or belief, and ironically, you’ll gain the freedom you desire, to go your own way. You may realize a precious valuable has lost its charm, or seem withered. For sentimental reasons, you may feel emotionally torn, but if you can appreciate the beauty in the aging of all things material, you’ll come to a place of acceptance. Whether you relinquish, tuck away or restore what’s so precious to you, your genuine care will put your heart at ease.

 CANCER (June 22-July 22)

 Pluto’s long journey through Cancer’s complimentary sign (Capricorn) is to be taken in fully. Like rich chocolate mousse, or Shakespearean verse, it is meant to draw out the intensity of your senses. As the planet of power and control, Pluto’s influence has high voltage.  At times it may seem impossible to win the approval of your greatest confidant. Your emotions will intensify, as Pluto is opposed by Venus, (now in Cancer), and someone influential will likely reflect the power that resonates within you.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Sometimes it’s not easy to do the most responsible thing, even if in theory it’s most logical. This idea will likely resonate with you, as Venus opposes Pluto, the planet of authority. A schedule conflict or other logistical setback may delay your plans for a retreat, vacation, work assignment, or fitness goal. While you envision a beautiful scene of relaxation and comfort, you may feel pulled by the weight of your commitment to a long term goal. Indulge a little- as you’ll still prevail.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

 Virgo is known as the zodiac’s perfectionist, and for this reason usually prefers to work solo. There are times, however when even the most skilled craftsman needs a helping hand.  As Venus opposes Pluto, the planet of empowerment, (now in your chart’s arena of self-expression),your humility will be your greatest asset. Your genuine concern about the bigger picture (and biggest players), will help you properly direct your talent so you can gain the recognition your desire. Put others first, and you’ll expand your potential for excellence.

 LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

 With Venus, Libra’s ruler, at the peak of your chart, your talent will be in the spotlight, especially if you’re an artist (Libra’s domain). Like a supermodel with countless photo shoots, you may long to be with family, and feel like a normal person. What’s special about Libra, however, is its innate beauty. No matter your circumstance, let your style- your zest for life, do the talking, and others will have no choice but to accept you for you, however perfectly imperfect your life may be.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Correspondence will likely be delayed in regards to a legal case or citizenship matter, or media endeavor, so you’ll be wise to consciously remain patient. If an overseas business trip is on top of your agenda, you may be notified about an extension, or other mitigating factor that you have little control over. Do your best to temper your enthusiasm with the reality of the moment, and when you need to shift gears (likely back to first), you’ll experience a smooth transition.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Emphasize your terms for a pact with someone important, but also realize time will likely present the final ruling. Whether an inheritance, investment, or business partnership is in the works, you’ll need to create breathing space for the other party. He or she may insist on the best end of the deal, due to experience, rank, or sheer will- and you may not have the resources to demand a fair trade. No matter what your hand is, your power will come from how well you play.

 CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

 Someone special will likely bring out your vulnerable side, as Venus opposes Pluto, the planet of metamorphosis (now in Capricorn). You may feel emotionally slighted, or misunderstood, but it’s likely your feelings play a secondary role to what’s really at play. Your sweetheart, business partner, or close friend may not see your soft spot, and unintentionally take your strength for granted. Like a rock that can be moved with the force of a tide, despite the strength of outsides forces, your true nature will remain.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

 As Venus and Pluto battle it out, you’ll likely feel the urge to put the power in your hands, however risky that might be. This may involve a health matter, artistic project, or job assignment that carries great influence. If you’re considering cosmetic surgery, you may question the credibility of a particular facility, doctor, or procedure, and extend, or cancel a long awaited appointment. However urgent your current circumstance may feel, your instincts will help you adapt to a natural rhythm, and make a wise decision.

 PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

 Remain passionate about what moves your heart, whether it be your child, an artistic pursuit, or personal venture, and you’ll gracefully weather a temporary storm. If you work for a corporation, you may feel at odds with your company’s executive board, or advisory committee. A compromise will be possible if you honor the rules and see the bigger vision at play. If you’re immersed in plans for a wedding, anniversary, or other big social event, you’ll gain respect through your diplomacy, and gregarious spirit.

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April Highlights for all Zodiac Signs

Monthly Forecast for April


There is nothing under the sun that you cannot do.



Monthly Overview

The Sun will remain exalted in Aries, until Tuesday, April 19. As the usher of the Vernal Equinox and first day of Spring, Aries is a natural pioneer.  Its raw,  fiery energy helps us find motivation to make a fresh start, and take action. Fire and Air signs will likely feel invigorated by a faster life pulse, while Earth and Water signs may feel a bit out of their comfort zone. Use the next two weeks to pour new energy into a particular area of your life, and you’ll plant a seed that will sprout multiple blossoms.


ARIES (March 21- April 19)

Last week’s new moon in Aries, on Thursday April 7, will  radiate power until Wednesday April 20.  Do your best to adjust to major changes swiftly. Think long term when it comes to a  significant career opportunity. Visualize your future self several years from now, and it will be easier to make a key decision, with confidence.

TAURUS (April 19 -May 20)

When the Sun enters Taurus on Tuesday, April 19,  you’ll have the upper hand, especially in money matters. Shortly after, on Friday, April 22, a full moon will land in your complimentary sign, Scorpio. This will likely be an exciting day for your romantic and social life, as on the same day Venus will unite with Uranus, the planet of unexpected surprise. Who knows what will happen, but it will definitely be memorable!


GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

Thursday, April 14, will be made just for you, so make sure to spread your wings on that day, and take a risk. Mercury, Gemini’s ruler, will be in perfect angle to Jupiter, the planet of good fortune.  An adventurous chapter will likely bring a happy ending for an emotional journey that holds special meaning for you.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)

The full moon in  Scorpio, (Cancer’s fellow water sign), will likely have something special in store for you.  Cancer is ruled by the moon, which sensitizes you to the influence of the moon’s cycle. Deep feelings may rise within you involving a romance, creative endeavor, or child. Thanks to the moon’s harmonic alignment with Neptune (the planet of idealism), an inner yearning will likely be fulfilled.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Your focus will shift to your career on Tuesday, April 19, as the Sun (Leo’s ruler), enters the constellation Taurus. This will ignite the peak your chart, where your actions and talents are easily recognized by the public. Your cash flow will be stimulated, as Jupiter (the planet of good fortune) is now in Virgo, and will bode quite well with  its fellow earth sign, Taurus, the sign of material comfort. With diligence, you can monetize a unique talent.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Thursday, April 14, promises wonderful news for you as Virgo’s ruler, Mercury perfectly aligns with Jupiter, the planet of opportunity. A lucky break will be meant just for you, but it will be up to you to make the most of it. Friday, April 22, will be an action packed day, as the full moon will ignite your chart’s arena of negotiation, while Uranus’s union with Venus will bring a close relationship to the forefront. Positive change is on its way, and when it comes, you’ll do beautifully if you flow with it, and carry the best of expectations.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

On Friday, April 22, Venus, Libra’s ruler, will unite with Uranus, (the planet of surprise and innovation), a sure sign of a new development in your closest relationship. If you’re in an artistic field (Venus’s domain), you may experience an imaginative breakthrough as you develop your unique style. On the same day, there will be a full moon in Scorpio, and you’ll likely receive a golden pay off for grade A work you’ve put in for a special assignment.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Although the Sun is currently in Aries, this month will belong to you, thanks to the brilliant full moon in Scorpio, on Friday, April 22. A personal ambition, emotional journey, or other significant undertaking will shine brightly, and make you proud. What will make the full moon a true stand out is its harmonious alignment with Neptune, the planet of inner truth (now in your chart’s arena of love. Remain at peace- as a private wish will sparkle for you, and awaken your spirit.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Sunday, April 17, and Monday, April 18, will be significant for you, as Venus will strike a strike a harmonious chord with Saturn, (now in Sagittarius). As the planet of maturity, Saturn will challenge you raise your standards, and up your game. The beautiful link with Venus suggests a love interest, social ambition, or artistic project will inspire you to give your best, and go all in with a full heart. Make note of Friday, April 22, when the full moon will illuminate your chart’s most imaginative arena.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Deep reflection will become a main theme for you as Pluto, (now in Capricorn) will slow down for a several month retrograde, beginning, Monday, April 18. As the planet of re-birth, Pluto’s energy is powerful, and will require you go deeper than usual, to discover the truth. This may involve your career (as Capricorn is known for its ambition), savings, or an important investment. You’ll have until Monday, September 26 (when Pluto resumes regular speed), to get clear about what’s at stake, and how much you’re willing to give.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

The stars will shine brightly especially for you on Friday, April 22, thanks to the full moon in Scorpio. A momentous achievement will be yours to celebrate, and may even find its way to your bank account. If you’re in need of little excitement, this day will be stellar, as the full moon will accompanied by a beautiful alignment between Uranus (Aquarius’s ruler), and Venus. A sweet surprise is on its way to you, Aquarius!

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

You’ll see beautiful progress with an academic goal, media pursuit, citizenship matter, or other high aspiration, thanks to the full moon in Scorpio, on Friday, April 22.  You may be blessed with a positive new realization, as this full moon will be harmoniously linked with the planet of inner consciousness, Neptune (which rules Pisces). Make a spiritual note of what you experience, as it’s likely what transpires will have significant personal meaning for you, and your life’s direction.


Famous Aries Dancers & Terpsichoreians

Rudolph Nureyev, Tamara Rojo, Merce Cunningham, Pharrell Williams, Maya Angelou, Johanne Sebastian Bach

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Scorpio & Capricorn Create Passionate Commitment

Venus in Scorpio will sextile  Pluto in Capricorn

There will be a great possibility for an expression of true love, and your depth of feeling may become the voice of commitment~ 

Venus sextile Pluto

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Weekly Horoscope for all Zodiac Signs, December 1, 2014

Weekly Horoscope for all Zodiac Signs, December 1, 2014

Venus and Jupiter Celebrate in Cosmic Perfection

If each one of us could sell our experiences for all they are really worth, we would be, every one of us, millionaires.

Abigal Van Buren

Dancing money

Opportunities for Opulence


Global Creativity & Long Distance Romance


Investment in Real Estate


Legal Partnership


A Glamorous Work Assignment


Spontaneous Risk


Angelic Guidance


Collaborative Brainstorming


Profitable Leadership


Boundless Faith in the Power of Your Optimism


Soulful Surrender


An Idealistic  Partnership With a Promising Future


A Five  Star Performance

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